I Met Someone

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Set in AU

It was the first day of school in Lawrence, Kansas. All over town, kids had grumbled and dragged themselves into the beginning of another year of learning.

For Dean Winchester, it would be his last first day of school. He was beginning his senior year.

For Bobby Singer, he had mixed feelings about Dean's first day of school. He was disappointed slightly, because Dean would have less hours at the garage. Bobby ran an auto body shop, and Dean had spent all summer working there. He hadn't even wanted Bobby to pay him. He just liked working on the cars, and even Bobby had to admit that the kid had talent. He was great with cars and great at fixing them.

But besides the shop, Bobby was a little sad because Dean starting his senior year meant that Dean was all grown up. He wasn't the little kid that Bobby had been a father figure to. Wasn't the boy he played catch with anymore. 

He was still the person Dean trusted most though. Bobby was the one Dean went to with everything. Whether he had a problem, needed advice, or just wanted to talk. He always went to Bobby.

The only thing Dean Winchester knew that Bobby Singer didn't was that Dean liked boys. But that was only because Dean didn't know how Bobby felt about people being gay, and he didn't want to disappoint him.

Not that Bobby would be disappointed, of course. He was possibly the most accepting person in the world, and he could read Dean like the back of his hand.

So when Dean came running into the shop that afternoon, Bobby knew instantly that something big had happened.

"Hey kid," He grinned.

"Hi Bobby," Dean smiled widely. "Got any cars for me to work on?"

"Don't you have homework?"

"Not on the first day of school,"

"Well, alright. Got a ratty Honda in the back. Needs some serious engine work."

"On it!" Dean shrugged off his jacket and got to work. Bobby followed him, changing out the car's oil while Dean checked the tire pressure.

"How was school?" Bobby questioned. 

"Classes are boring, as always," But Dean was smiling too big for that to be all. He glanced at Bobby. "I uh.... I met someone though."

"Yeah?" Bobby glanced at him and fought back a smirk. "What's she like?" He knew the look in Dean's eye. The completely smitten stare, of being head over heels for someone without even realizing it. Dean sighed.

"She's amazing," He offered, slyly changing the pronoun. "I swear Bobby, there's nobody like her in the whole town,"


"She's in my English class, and she's SUPER smart, I can tell," Dean started rambling, his whole face lit up. Bobby watched him rant with a smile. He liked seeing Dean excited about something. Liked seeing him happy. They continued working on the car as Dean bounced on his feet, talking a mile a minute.

"She's got these eyes, Bobby. Bluest things I've ever seen. Like, it's ridiculous. Puts the sky to shame. And she's funny too, and her hair, Bobby,"

"Did you talk to her?"

"Hell yeah I did! I tried to be smooth about it, you know? But she's too awesome to fall for any of my tricks. I asked for her number using one of those cheesy lines you see on TV, and she laughed at me." Dean's grin widened. "She laughs like freaking sunshine, Bobby, it's ridiculous."

"Why are you so happy if she laughed at you?"

"Because when the class ended, she handed me a note with her number on it. It said to call her when I thought of a better pick up line," Bobby laughed. At least Dean seemed to have picked a good one.

"She has good taste in music too," Dean rambled on. "I caught her humming an Aerosmith song during lunch. I might not be super smart, but I know what it sounds like when somebody starts humming Deuces are Wild. And and I just- I don't even know what to do Bobby," He stifled a laugh. "Haven't even known her for twenty four hours and she's already got me wrapped around her finger."

"That's what happens," Bobby warned. "You'd be amazed how fast they can get under your skin."

"Beautiful. She's just perfect, Bobby. It's ridiculous,"

"Well you got her number, right? Better use it then."

"Yeah," Dean grinned. He was like a kid in a candy store. Young love, Bobby thought. He might've been an old hermit, but he was happy to see that Dean didn't seem to be following in his footsteps in that aspect. 

"What's her name?" Bobby asked, suddenly realizing that Dean hadn't mentioned it. Dean smiled again, but his eyes looked a little wary.

"Cas," He offered. "Her name is Cas."

"Cas, huh?" Bobby shrugged. "Different. Probably short for Cassidy or something, right?"

"Probably," Dean shrugged. "I dunno. I'll have to ask." His eyes lit up brighter. "But it's a nice name though, right? I like the way it rolls off your tongue. Cas. Caaasssss. It's pretty. Fun to say." Dean shook his head. "I'm babbling like a total idiot, aren't I?"

"A little," Bobby admitted. "But it's fine. I'm glad you found someone you like so much."

"Me too."

They kept working on the car, Dean eventually running out of things to say about Cas. They had only met that day, after all. Dean's stomach twisted though as he thought about Bobby finding out that Cas was a boy. He knew that if things went well with Cas, he'd only keep raving about him, and eventually Bobby would want to meet him and it would come out. Or Dean would mess up one day and reveal the truth. 

He stared at the older man as they worked on the engine, wondering. Bobby had always been there for him, always taken his side. Why would this be any different? 

"Her birthday's coming up soon," Dean went on. "We all had to write down our birthdays in English for some stupid icebreaker, so that's how I know."

"Maybe you should get her something then,"

"Like what?"

"I dunno, I can;t have all the good ideas for you, boy. Try flowers. Girls like flowers. Figure out her favorite kind and get those, she'll love you forever."

"Yeah...." Dean stared at the wrench in his hand. "Hey Bobby?"

"Yeah?" He glanced up at Dean, frowning as he noted the excited buzz had worn off.

"There's something else about Cas you should know,"

"What's that?"

"....She's actually a boy." Dean admitted, glancing up at him nervously. Bobby blinked and then shrugged.

"Still cute?" He asked.

"Super cute."

"Then good luck fighting the cheerleaders to get him," Dean stifled a laugh, the smile returning to his face. He should've known. Bobby was always there for him, always accepting.

He was just that awesome.

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