Chapter 44

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You sit in the couch playing Pet Rescue. Today was a long day. For one Ariana was doing outfit checks and other tour stuff so she was away. You insist on going but she said it will be best to stay with the dogs and pig since she feels she's tiring Frankie with them.

You gave them a bath and food. Myron was just laying on the couch lazily now and Toulouse was watching the T.V. Ariana and you were planning on when to tell the public you too were together. But with tour and all that dream quickly fated.

A knock on the door bought you from wonderland. The open the door and Ariana stood there with Frankie.

"No offense Frankinweenie but can you go. I need me time. And my me time I mea-"

"Nope! Today I get to spend with my sister. So leave"

"No! Today is me time with my girl. Not my girl me and her idiotic broth-"

"Y/N! Don't be rude" Ariana says

You and Frankie look at each other before bursing out in laughter. Ariana should by now know that these 'fights' are just fun time for you. Ariana huffs and walks off into the living room.

"Good job Y/S/N"

"All inspired by yours truly" you say high fiving Frankie before walking to find Ariana.

"Babyyyy" you whine when she wasn't paying you attention. "Talk to me. Please"

She gave you no response. Her focus was on some dumb show going on. You know she's on doing that to annoy you. You climb onto her lap and smile down at her. "Look at me"

Her head pops up and she looks at you smiling. "I hate you"

You rest your head on hers after kissing her noise "I love you too pumpkin"

"Ariana! How dare you" Frankie screams from the kitchen. "No fruits what as ever. You are a disgrace to Grande"

It's true. The Grande's always have fruits. It's like a tradition.

"Frankie... Just go buy" She says before pulling you face back in it's former position resting against hers. She peck your lips repeated her hands holding your ass.

"If this is your way of getting rid of me. I say you too suck" Frankie says sitting on the it her side of the couch.

You climb off Ari and pick up your phone going straight back to your game from earlier. Frankie peeks over your shoulder and literally leaps on you squealing.

"Oh god! You play too! What level are you on!"

"593. But it's so freaking hard. I've been playing all day"

"Okay, let me help Y/N I'm good at it"

"No way. Go play your own"

"But... The doggies want me to save them" he says pointing at your screen at the dog. "he's begging. Don't be a meanie"

"No. I'm doing this my self"

"Please, you need help. Help is good"

"No help bad" you look to see Ariana who finally said something before she was on full on laughing. She had her phone up videoing you and Frankie being kids.

"Baby no. Give me the phone"

"No Ari. Since your girl refuses to give me her phone. I don't think you should give her yours"

"Shut it drama queen" Frankie fake gasps. "Your key word there is 'your girl' meaning I'm with Ariana not you! So shut it"

"Haha... You said key word but that's too words. So you loose" Frankie says sticking his tongue like a child.

Ariana just laughs still videoing you and Frankie. "You too are perfect together. Frankie imagine. You could keep her busy and annoyed all morning"

"Hey, I'm your girlfriend you're to be on my side"

"I will if you come over here and kiss me" She says smirking.

The doorbell rings and Ariana ends the video to go check who it is. You turn to Frankie sticking your tongue out at him. He rolls his eyes before he makes bitting action at you.

"Screw you loser. I'm gonna see what's taking MY GIRL so long" you get up then mumble loud enough for him to hear "too long. Leaving me with your stupid ass"

"I heard that"

"Good. It means my attempt was successfully completed"

You walk to the door and Ariana stood their with some woman. She doesn't look familiar. Must be a fan. An elderly fan. But security wouldn't let her in. Then she must be an important person.

Ariana turns to you and you look over your shoulder to see a man also. But you recognize him instantly.

"Baby, your parents are here"


Ariana steps out of the way.

"Y/N. I'm so happy to find you. I can explain everything. I promise"

"Who's that?"

"Your mom"

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