Chapter Four: Now what?

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Ever since my coffee date with Ricky, we've been talking consistently. I get so excited when he texts me, it's like a small burst of happiness throughout my day.

Today during work, I go through all the book returns. I do this every Friday, I know, so exciting. I sit at the computer and check in all the books. While I type in a students name, my phone chimes. I smile and quickly check it, unfortunately it's not from Ricky.

Just my mom, making sure she'll see me Sunday. I quickly tell her she will, then I get back to work. Lacey asked me to come hang out at her place tonight, I think I'm gonna go. I need to get out more. Keeping myself cooped up in my apartment isn't healthy.

I pick my phone up again, I quickly text Lacey and tell her "I'll come over after work."

I put my phone down and get back to work after that.

I get off around six, I walk to my car while reading old texts. So far, Ricky seems so sweet. He's so easy to talk to, I feel like I can tell him anything. I haven't told him anything really personal yet though. I'm still keeping my guard up. I read his latest text that says "I'm not going to work tomorrow night so, how about we meet up?"

"Yeah, for sure. I'm usually not busy on Saturday's." I say

I put my phone in my bag, I get to my car and unlock the door. I open the door then slide in. I shut the door then put my bag on the passenger side. I put my keys in the ignition, my car starts and I put my seatbelt on, I drive off. The roads are slick from the earlier rain, luckily it isn't raining now.

I get to Lacey's and I walk to her unit, I knock on the door and wait. She opens the door in her pjs, she smiles at me and greets me with a smile.

"Hey girly!" She smiles widely at me

"Hi." I smile back and go inside

I take my coat off and hang it up on a hook. Lacey goes and sits on the couch, I walk over and join her.

I ask her "How was your day?"

"Eh, I slept most of the day. I worked at the club late last night."

"Do you like working at a gentleman's club?"

"Yeah, I think it's great. It's not for everyone's not horrible." She shrugs

"Where is it again?"


"Hm, I don't think I could do it."

"Ehhh, I think you could but. That's your choice."

I look at the time and say "Hey I'm starving, you wanna get a pizza or something?"

"Sure, whatever you want's fine." She says then turns her attention to her phone.

I go on my phone and order a cheese pizza with a bunch of veggies on it. I pay with my card and while I pay. Ricky sends me a text, I look at it and smile.

"Oooh. Who texted you?" She teases

"Just a guy I've been sorta seeing." I blush

"Luna Raine Todd, you're actually talking to someone? Wow. Must really be quite the guy." She  teases

"I mean I'm not seeing him, we're just talking. I went on a coffee date with him the other night."

"Do I know him?"

"Probably not, He was at the party the other night. You were trashed so I doubt you remember seeing him."

"Yeah, I barely remember that party."

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