Chapter Fourteen: I'm Not Running Scared

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"What do you think you're doing?"

I stare at him and I don't know what to tell him. What if I tell him how I feel and he rejects me? I mean, I deserve it but, I just wanna be with him.

"Answer me!"

"I I I was looking for you." I stutter


"I made a mistake. I don't want you to go. I was just scared."

"You seemed sure last time we talked."

Should I tell him about my dream? I think he'll understand. Anyone would be scared from that, it's a normal human emotion.

"I was scared because, well, right before I came and saw you. I had a horrible dream. I dreamed I was was a vampire and I drained everyone I've ever cared about. You were there too. You saw what I'd done."

He looks at me then sighs, he looks up at the sky "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was afraid if I told you, it would've become real."

I start thinking about my dream again. What if it does happen someday? I look at him and I start tearing up. He holds my face a "Luna what's wrong?"

"You said that if you left you wouldn't hurt the people I love?" I ask

"I did say that."

"How do I really know that? Even if you stay how do I know you won't hurt them? How do I know you won't hurt me?"

He stares at me and my emotions get the best of me. I start crying, Ricky looks at me and he pulls me in his arms. He holds me and whispers in my ear "I give you my word. When you're with or without me, nobody will get hurt." I hold on to his jacket and I nod  "I'm trusting you."

He kisses my forehead and I look up at him, I stand up on my tippy toes and I kiss him. He kisses me back, I don't care that we're both getting soaked from the rain. I keep kissing him and I hold his jacket. He slightly picks me up and swings me around. I pull away he smiles and puts me down. "Come on."

We walk back to my car, I hand him my keys and he opens the passenger side for me. I get in and he closes my door. He walks around the other side and gets in, he puts the keys in and starts it. I buckle up and he does the same. He drives off and I look at him "Where are we going?"

"My place so you can get some dry clothes."

"I went by your place, it's empty."

"Not all of it. Just the living room."


"Hm." He looks at me

"Where were you going?"

"Well I was going to make a trip to Portland to visit a friend. Then I was planning to go to Switzerland. Winter's been wanting to go there for a while." He shrugs

"Wow that's far."

"Don't worry, I wasn't going that far because of you."

I nod and I shiver, I reach over and turn on the heat. I put my hands on the vent to make them warm. Ricky looks over at me "I'm really glad you changed your mind." I look at him and smile.

We pull up to his house and he pulls in the driveway. I unbuckle and he stops the car. He looks at me "ready?" I nod and we get out of the car, We walk up the steps and he goes to the door. He takes his keys out of his jeans. He unlocks the door, he has me walk in first and he comes in, closing the door behind him. I shiver from the chills, he looks at me "Come with me. You can borrow something to wear. I'll dry your clothes."

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