Chapter ten: Reality and Superstitions

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I don't think I've ever been this upset, Ricky just got up and left! No notice, no sign, nothing! He hasn't replied to any of my texts. Who just gets up and disappears like that?

I roll over in bed and look at the clock, 8:34am. I groan and roll over on my stomach. I put my face in my pillow and groan loudly. I hate that I'm embarrassed over this! To just leave with no explanation? Over a nose bleed? I mean, what did I do wrong? I didn't get any blood on him, or did I? He could just be ignoring me because he's grossed out.

Good grief, I need to get up. I need to sort out my feelings. One minute I'm upset and embarrassed then I'm angry and livid the next.

I think the worst part in all this is, I haven't heard from him in two days. He isn't returning calls or texts. At least have the decency to say 'hey! This isn't working, have a great life.' Don't just leave me in the dark.

I reluctantly roll on my back, then sit up. I stretch my arms, I hear my elbows crack. I get out of bed and grab my robe. I put it on then walk out of my room. I go in my kitchen and look for my kettle, once I find it I put water in it. I put the kettle on the stove and light one of the burners.

I'm hoping a cup of tea will settle my nerves. I turn to open the cabinet. I grab the loaf of bread, I need to put something in my stomach. Maybe some toast?

I take out two slices from the bag then put them in the toaster. I lean on the counter and think for a few minutes. It's Sunday so I have to go to Mom's tonight. I kinda wanna say I'm sick but she'll just come here to bring me some soup. I should go tonight.

I hear my phone ding and I see a text from Liam. I grab my phone and check it, I quickly read the text.

"You coming tonight? to Moms? It's kinda important you do."

That's weird, since I was just thinking about going tonight. I reply "I'm planning on it. I'll probably get there around six. Why?"

My toast pops up, I grab a napkin and lay it on the counter. I take the toast out and lay the pieces down. I open the cabinet again, I pull out the peanut butter and set it on the counter. I close the cabinet and lean over to get a knife out of the drawer. While I unscrew the top on the peanut butter, my phone buzzes again.

I look over and it's another text from Liam. I stick my knife in the peanut butter, then pick my phone up. I read the text "Amy's coming with me tonight. She wants to see you."

I like Amy, she's really nice. My brothers been with her forever. They've been together five years, so since his last year of college.

I always forget how much older Liam is than me. He just turned twenty seven last July, while I'm only twenty one. The age gap between all three kids is pretty deep, Liam's six years older than me. While I'm four years older than Daniel. Despite the age, my brothers and I were pretty close. Not as much lately, mainly because Liam moved out and started college then I did the same.

I stare at my keyboard then start typing. I write "Okay, tell her I'll be there!" I press send.

I put my phone down and finish getting my breakfast together.

Later in the afternoon I'm sitting on my couch, again I'm thinking about Ricky. I need to go see him, I'm tired of him telling me he likes me, calling me beautiful, kissing me! Without a clear indication that he means any of it. It's frustrating, I'm done. He and I really need to talk, I'm done trying to fill in the blanks on my own. It isn't helping anyone.

I lean over to my coffee table and grab my phone. I unlock my phone, I go in my messages. I text Ricky "What's your address? We NEED to talk."

I send the message then toss my phone on my couch. I get off the couch. I walk around my couch to go in my bathroom. I undress then turn on the shower. I turn the knob towards the warm water side. I notice my hand shaking from how cold I am. I get in the shower and shut the door behind me.

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