Chapter Nineteen: I'll Always Put You First

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I didn't wake up this morning till nine fifteen, I sit up and I look over at Ricky. He's wet from a shower, He has his pants on and he's buckling his belt. He looks over at me "Good morning, Luna."

"Morning." I rub my eyes

"If you wanna shower, I'd do it soon. It's almost ten thirty."

I nod then reluctantly get out of bed, I walk over to my suitcase and sit on the floor. Ricky walks over behind me and kisses my head. He sits on the bed and goes on his phone. I dig through my clothes and pull out my black pants with the slits on the knees. I keep looking a take out a rusty red colored flannel then a old band shirt my brother gave me. I pick a random bra and panty, then bundle everything up in my arms. I stand up and go in the bathroom.

I put my clothes on the counter, I stand there and look at myself in the mirror. Today's our last full day here, I'm happy we came. Ricky's been having fun I think. At least I hope he is. Yesterday we just went to an art museum, then we went and saw a movie. We moved our hike to today, since it was raining when we were supposed to go.

After I get showered, I quickly dress and get ready. I walk out and see a room service cart. Ricky looks at me "You need to eat something. Since we have that hike."

"Hmm. I'm still pretty stuffed from the other night. A four hundred dollar meal will do that to you."

He turns towards me "Luna, I'm not going over this again. Please eat."

"Yes sir." I roll my eyes

I lift the top off the food, underneath is a bowl of oatmeal with fruit on top. I pick the bowl up and sit on the edge of the bed. I look at the tv that Ricky's watching and he has it on the news.

"What time are we leaving tonight?"

"We fly out at eight fifteen so, we'll leave your Dad's house at six."

I nod and stir my oatmeal, he looks at me "After the hike, if you wanna come with me. I'm gonna go find a grocery store, so I can make lunch for your family."

"Did you talk to my Dad about it?"

"Yeah I did, we planned a barbecue."

"Oh okay, that'll be fun ."

He nods then stands up, he walks over to start getting everything together. We have an hour till we check out. He folds a pair of his jeans and puts them in his bag. He looks at me "Is there any of your things in the bathroom?"

"Yeah, I'll get them out in a second." I say then eat some more oatmeal

"No, I'll get it. You just eat." He goes in the bathroom

I look over at the tv and watch, Ricky comes back out and is holding my pajamas. He goes over to my suitcase, he folds the bottoms up then places them in the suitcase. I keep eating while watching him pack. He does things so meticulously, it's calming to watch.

I set my bowl down on the beside table, I get up and go over to him. I wrap my arms around him and he smiles  "Hi Luna."

"Hi." I kiss his back

"What's up, baby?" He asks gently

"I just wanna hug you, thank you for coming with me. It means the world to me."

"You're welcome, Luna." He turns around

He leans down and kisses me gently, I kiss him back and I hold his face. He wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up a little. I smile and lick his bottom lip. He sets me down and and pulls away  "We need to hurry." I nod and he goes back to packing. I go and sit on the bed, I pick the bowl up and start eating again.

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