Chapter Twenty Six: Id be dammed if i lived in your head

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With Christmas coming up I'm stumped on what to get Ricky.  He keep telling me he doesn't want anything. I'm going to ignore that request though. I'm completely lost on what to get for him, which isn't good because it's the twenty second of December. What does a girl get for her vampire boyfriend? Who already has everything he could  want.

While I sit on the couch, Alfie jumps up on with me. Yeah, I ended up keeping the cat I found at the gas station. I took him to the vet and got his shots. I named him Alfred but I call him Alfie. I pet his head and he starts purring, I smile "Hi Alfie."

I gotta say having a kitty to look after has been great. He and I get along well, I feel like he was meant to find me. Having Alfie around makes me feel needed. Ricky and Alfie aren't to fond of one another though. Every time he sees Ricky he hisses then runs off. I still love them both though. They'll get used to each other, since I'm not planning on losing either of them.

Tonight's my mom's Christmas party, Ricky and I are supposed to go. I'm gonna meet him at his place at five. I'm actually excited to go to the party. My mom always has amazing Christmas parties. Even when my brothers and I were little they were always so fun.

Before the party tonight, I invited Olivia to come shopping with me today. She offered to help me find a gift for Ricky. She's good with gifts, I'm hoping we'll find something good.

I meet up with Olivia at one, we walk through the busy mall. She looks at me "Any idea's for what you wanna get him?"

"No but, I want it to be really special and thoughtful."

"Are you worried about your present from him?"

"Why would I be?" I look at her

"Because he gave you that car." She giggles

"Honestly I'm hoping the car WAS my Christmas present. I don't want him spending money on me." I groan

"Who knows! With how fast he moves, there might be a diamond engagement ring under that tree!"

"I doubt it." I laugh

"You never know babe." She smiles

I shrug and keep looking, maybe I can get him some cologne? No, not good enough. I wanna get him something really personal, something he really wants. What does he really want though? I have to get him something today, it's to late in the month to give up.

"Hey! Maybe you can make him something?" She suggests

"Like?" I look at her

"Maybe a photo album? Or maybe you can knit him something?" She shrugs

I think for a minute, making him something from my heart actually sounds like it's the best option. What's something he'll love that I can make? He doesn't eat so I can't make grandma Todd's cookies. I should make a batch of those anyways. A photo album? That's a cute idea but, will he really look at it more than once? Probably not. I probably wouldn't either, if I'm being honest.

Wait. I know what he wants. I know what I can make him. I smile and look at Olivia. She looks at me "What?"

"I'm gonna run to Target. I have an idea." I smile

We hurry out of the mall and get back to my car. I hug Olivia and tell her I'll text her later. I get in the car then shut the door. I quickly buckle up then start the car and back out. I drive out of the mall parking lot. I'm so excited my heart's pounding out of my chest. I can't wait to see the look on his face. It's going to be great, he's gonna love it.

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