Chapter Twenty: Do You Ever Miss That Feeling

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Ricky and I spent most of the afternoon watching movies. We didn't wanna do much today, the flight took a lot out of me. During the movie I snuggle in his chest. He rubs my back gently, I feel content with the visit we had with my Dad.

While we watch movie my stomach grumbles. He looks at me "I'm gonna assume you're hungry." I smile and nod

"I'll make you something." He gets off the couch

"Don't go to the trouble, a sandwich will suffice."

He grins "A sandwich it is." Then walks to the kitchen

While Ricky makes me some lunch, I keep watching the movie. I get comfortable and I hear a loud banging on the front door. It startles me and I sit up, walks out and I hear him mutter "what the fuck."

Ricky opens the door and Chris barges in. Winter follows closely behind, Chris walks in the living room and looks at Ricky. He doesn't look happy at all, He crosses his arms and angrily says "What the fuck were you thinking?"

Ricky looks at me "angel, go upstairs."

Chris looks at me  "No, you stay right there!"

I listen to Chris and stay on the couch, what the hell is his problem? He looks at Ricky again,  "I tell you there's a hunter around and you disappear!"

"I went out of town for a few days."

"You didn't think to let me know? You didn't think to answer my calls or texts either?" His voice echoing throughout the house

"I didn't think it was important. My phone was on Do Not Disturb, pretty much the whole time."


"Alright alright, that's enough!" Winter says trying to help calm Chris down

"Jesus Christ, I took Luna to Denver to see her Dad!"

"Well guess what? While you were gone, Ryan got staked Thursday. Yknow just in case you thought we were lying about there being a hunter."

Ricky looks over at Winter and she nods, Ricky looks back at Chris "Is Ryan okay?"

"He's fine, a little more antsy though." Winter tells him calmly

Chris looks at me  "Maybe if you weren't around, Ricky wouldn't have his head so far up his ass. He'd actually know what's going on."

I feel my stomach form a large hole in it, Chris's right. If I wasn't around Ryan wouldn't have gotten hurt. If I wasn't a baby and was able to fly alone, Ricky would've been here. I nod and stand up, I walk to the door. I hear Ricky say my name but I ignore him. I grab my coat luckily I'm already wearing shoes. I open the front door and I hear Chris say " Look Ricky. I'm sorry to say this, but you need to learn where your priorities lie because they're definitely not where they should be." I walk out and shut the door. I put my coat on and walk down the steps, I don't have my car so I'm walking.

While I walk I think about Ricky, I didn't notice his phone a lot while we were gone. I had no idea he wasn't checking in. I sigh and keep walking, I pull my phone out and I have a text from Ricky. I don't open it and put my phone back in my pocket.

It takes me an hour to walk home, I walk through the parking garage and I go to my car.I unlock the doors and I climb inside. I shut the door and I just sit there, I hope Ryan's okay. I don't want Ricky distracted, maybe I should take some steps back? Maybe I'm doing him more harm than good.

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