Chapter Thirty Two: Time To Make A Choice

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"I'm waiting, Luna." Chris says angrily

I look around the room, I look at Winter who looks upset. I look at Ricky who looks confused, I look up at Chris  "I swear I don't know anything."

"Bullshit." He sits on the coffee table

"I swear! I was gonna tell Ricky last night, I just didn't wanna tell him then ruin Winter's party!" I say

"What were you gonna tell me?" Ricky asks me

I look at him "The last time you took me to school? When you went inside Steven was out walking his dog. We talked for a few minutes, when I asked him what he was doing in our neighborhood. He said he recently moved over to this side of Seattle."

Chris looks at me "what does this have to do with anything?"

"Yesterday during Yoga, I was with a friend who's sorta seeing Steven. She said they made plans and he stood her up. She went to his place and he never answered, so I told her she should've come over to see me. She got confused because Steven lives on the other side of town. He lied to me about him moving. I found that out yesterday before the party. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I wanted to but I didn't wanna ruin Winter's party."

Winter looks at me " Was Steven one of the guys with you, when I picked you up from the brewery?"

I look at her and nod, she looks at Chris "I believe her, Chris."

He turns towards winter "Stay out of this."

"When has Luna done anything to make you think otherwise? Besides be human?" She questions

"Isn't that enough?"

"Luna's never done anything, besides love Ricky unconditionally."

"We've been over this! Winter she's a liability!" He shouts

"How? She's been as quiet as a mouse about us! I'm tired of you constantly being mean to her! Luna's been a blessing to Ricky and you know it! If anyone's gonna know she's lying, it's me! Drop this dumb rat hunt on Luna! We have bigger problems! Like the guy tied up in our basement!" She says angrily

Chris turns and looks at me, he gives me a look "Fine."

He stands up and looks at Ricky. He walks over to him "Keep an eye on her make sure she doesn't do anything. I may need her later." Then he walks out the front door, I look at winter and she tells me "I'm sorry Luna." She walks out, leaving with Chris.

I look at Ricky and he leans against the wall. He looks at me "You okay?"

I nod "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Are you mad?"

"No baby. You did what you thought was best."

I sigh and stand up, I look at him "I need to go get ready for school." Then I go upstairs

I go in our bathroom and start the shower. I turn and look at myself in the mirror. I rub my eyes and I hear Ricky walk in.

"Baby?" He asks softly

I stop rubbing my eyes and put my hands on the counter. I look at him "Hm?"

"Don't let him ruin your day."

I look at him "I'll be fine. I just want everything over with."

"You and me both." He walks behind me. He holds my hair and starts playing with it.

I look at him in the mirror "What's gonna happen to him? To Steven?"

He looks at me through the mirror, he doesn't say anything. He just keeps playing with my hair. The look he gave me told me everything.

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