Chapter Thirteen: Is It To Late To Plead Insanity?

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"No. you need to leave. I want you to go."

Ricky steps back from me, his facial expression telling me I've hurt him. He and I keep our eyes locked on each other.

He eventually breaks the silence by clearing his throat. He closes his eyes "I respect your decision. I'll be out of here soon. Goodbye, Luna." He backs up and goes back in his house, closing the door firmly

I turn and walk down the steps to go back to my car. I open the door and get in. I buckle my seatbelt then I turn the key in the ignition. I back out of the driveway and head back home. My heart starts screaming at me, telling me that I've made the wrong choice. Maybe I didn't but, the bottom line is I need  to protect my loved ones.

Again, I don't sleep well. The look Ricky gave me when I told him that I wanted him to leave is haunting me. I keep telling myself I made the right choice. Honestly, the more time goes on? The more I become unsure of my choice.

I turn over in bed and I look at my phone. I look at the time and it's 8:30, which means my alarm's about to go off. I go to the clock app on my phone and just turn my alarm off. I sit up and stretch, I pull the covers off and climb out of bed.

I walk to the bathroom and I turn on the light, I look at myself in the mirror, my hair's knotted and my eyes are bloodshot. I don't know if I'm not sleeping because of what I saw or because I know deep in my heart, I'm going to miss seeing him.

You coward, you aren't nearly as afraid of him, as you are of seeing what your life will look like when he's gone really gone. I shake the thoughts away and turn on the sink.

I pick up an elastic band that lays on the sink's edge. I take all of my hair and pull up it in a messy bun. I lean down and start washing my face. Maybe since I got up when I needed to, I can actually take my time getting ready for class.

After I finish up in the bathroom I go back in my room. I sit at my vanity, I go through the drawers to pick out what makeup I wanna use today.

While I sweep the brown shadows on my eyes, I start seeing Ricky in my head again. I put the brush down and I stare at myself in the mirror.

Don't do this to yourself. You've never felt this way about anyone before. You can still be with him What! No are you crazy? He's a vampire! Who killed someone in front of you!

Yes! He did but, he did it to protect me! If it weren't for Ricky, I could've been killed! Or laying in a hospital bed severely hurt. I shake the thoughts away and go back to doing my makeup. I add a little more brown to my lid and I put on some gold glitter. I figure if my makeup looks okay. It'll make me feel a little better.

After my makeup I go to get changed. I pick out a black short sleeved dress with a white rose all over print. I lay it on my bed, then grab my black faux leather jacket. I put it with my dress then go to my dresser. I open the top drawer and grab my sheer black tights. I throw them on my bed, then turn and look for a bra and panties.

If I'm gonna try to make myself good, I should probably go bold. I dig in my drawer and find a see-through ivory thong. I grab it then look for the matching bra, when I find it I undress. I put my thong on then adjust it to where I'm comfortable. I look at myself in the wall mirror I have. I turn on my side and look, I do a little dance. God, why am I so embarrassing. I laugh at myself knowing from how dorky I look. I stop then roll my eyes at myself. I grab my bra then I unclip it, I stick my arms through the straps then pull it on. I reach behind and clip it in place, I walk over to the bed then sit.

I pick up the tights I had grabbed. I put one of my feet in the holes, I pull them up then I put the other in. I stand up and pull the tights up. I lean over and get my dress, I quickly put it on. I look in the mirror to see if the outfit looks good, I smooth out the back and I nod at myself. I slip my jacket on then go in my closet. I think I wanna wear boots today, it'll look cute with these boots. I pick out a pair of faux leather ankle booties. They have a two inch heel so I'll get a tiny boost.

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