Chapter Nine: What Storms Bring

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I think I owe Olivia an apology for the other night, she just wanted to go out and have fun. Yet she got caught up in the Jealousy. I haven't talked to Lacey, I'm still angry with her. Ricky and I've been talking more though. It's been going good, he seems more relaxed when he's around me now.

I called Olivia to ask her if I could stop by, she said I could so I need to start getting dressed. I pull off my shirt and toss it in my hamper and go to my dresser. I pull out the first bra I see and put it on. I go to my closet and take out a black pull over hoodie. I put it on and straighten it out, I take out a black pair of jeans and slide them over my slender legs.

I walk over to my dresser and open the top drawer. I grab a pair of socks, then shut the drawer. I walk over to my bed and sit down. I put on my socks and just keep sitting for a minute. I grab my phone and unlock it and go to text Olivia.

I go to my conversation with her and type "Getting ready now, I'll be there soon."

After five minutes she texts me "She'll be at home all day."

After I finish getting ready I head down to my car. I think I should stop for a 'Hey, sorry for ruining the other night, kind of treat.' I unlock my car and toss my bag on to the passenger side. I climb in the drivers seat and shut my door, not forgetting to lock it. I start my car then I quickly buckle my seat belt.

While I drive to Olivia's it starts drizzling, great! I know, I live in the rain state. You'd think I'd either suck it up or move away. I don't see myself ever moving out of Washington though, so I'd better get used to it.

Since it's a rainy day, I stop for Olivia's sorry treat at her favorite restaurant. I order her favorite, vegetable soup. While I wait for her food, I sit down and go on my phone. I check a text I have from my mom.

"Hi baby! Could you swing by today? I have something I wanna give you. Maybe even stick around for bit? Love you! xx"

Eh I can go see my mom, I know how she gets when I don't see her. Speaking of parents, I need to call my dad. He emailed my ticket to fly out, I haven't let him know I got it yet. Which I should've by now.

I hear my name called out for her order, I stand up and go grab it. I thank the server then leave. I hurry back out to my car; hoping I don't get to wet.

I get in my car and put the soup on the passenger seat. I take my phone out and text Olivia.

"Almost at your place. Had to make a quick stop." I press send

I put my phone down then buckle up. I start my car and back out of the parking spot.

After ten minutes, I'm pulling in to Olivia's apartment's parking garage. I drive in to a parking spot then I stop my car. I unbuckle my seat belt and grab my phone to text Oliva.

"I'm here."

I put my phone in my purse and get out of my car. I reach in and grab the soup. I shut the door then lock the doors.

I walk over to the elevator and press the button. I wait a minute and the doors open, I step on. I press the number 3 button and wait.

While the elevator moves, I get lost in thought. Both Olivia and Lacey live in really nice apartments, their parents help them out with rent because they have the means. I always feel awkward having them over because, well, putting it the nicest I can, my apartment building isn't the nicest. Or even safest at that. It's what I can afford mostly on my own, my mom offered to help me with getting a nicer place. It just didn't feel right, making her help me pay my huge rent bill. Yeah, I don't think so.

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