Chapter Six: Seriously?

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While I stand under the running water, I picture my kiss with Ricky. I haven't stopped thinking about it, or him. I really need to talk to him about it, I don't know what it's supposed to mean, I'd like to think that it means he likes me, at least a little bit. Unfortunately I don't see him till tomorrow, tonight's however family night.

I finish up in the shower and I climb out, I wrap my towel around myself. I go and sit on my bed, I grab my phone and check it. I have a text from Olivia, I open it and read it.

"Lacey said you're talking to someone?! Why didn't you tell me!?"

I sigh and type " because I don't really know what's going on. It's still new."

I put my phone down, I use my towel to dry off. I put on deep ivory, lace, and floral bra. I fasten the clasp then put on the matching panties. I walk in to my closet and look through my clothes. I don't really feel like dressing up today, I grab my black jeans. I toss them on my bed, I look for a shirt and settle on a red and black flannel.

I get dressed then go sit at my vanity. I blow dry my hair as fast as I can. I think I'm gonna go for a simple loose braid. Not really in the mood to curl my hair or anything.

When I'm ready to leave, I grab my keys and phone. I sling my bag over my shoulder, then walk out of my apartment.

I go to the parking garage, when I get to my car; I feel a slight chill go down my spine. I look around don't see anyone, or hear anything except for the patter pattering on the sidewalk. I shrug it off and get in my car. I buckle my seat belt then start the car. I drive out of the parking garage, I turn on my wipers so I can see through my windshield.

While I drive over my mom calls me, I click the accept button on my steering wheel.

"Hi mama."

"Hi baby, are you on your way?"

"Mmhm. I'll be there soon."

"Oh okay good, everyone's already here so."

"Did Liam's friend come?"

"Yep, just got here."

"How come Amy hasn't been coming?"

"Liam said she's been working Sundays now. Apparently it's temporary though."

My brother has been dating his girlfriend Amy for five years. They met freshman year of college, I think my brother is planning on marrying her. She seems to make him happy, which is good.

"Aw, that's to bad."

"Yeah. I wish she could be here. Maybe another time."


"Alright baby. I'll see you soon."

"Okay mom. I'll see you in like ten minutes."

"See you in a minute, honey."

I hang up and drive the rest of the way. When I get to her house, I park near the curb. I kill the engine then unbuckle my seatbelt. I turn around in my seat and reach in my backseat. I grab my umbrella then open my car door. I get out and pop open my umbrella. I grab my purse and walk up to the front door. I just walk in, I don't see a point in knocking.

"Mom!" I call from the entry way

"In here darlin!"

I close my umbrella and I stand it up by the wall. I go in the kitchen, I see my mom pulling some baked potatoes out of the oven.

"Hi mama."

"Hi Luna, can you do me a favor and go ask the boys what they want to drink? We have water, lemonade, soda, or milk."

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