Forty Three: Don't You Close Your Eyes

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I've never felt this type of fear, the fear of losing the man I love. Every minute feels like an hour, I'm waiting for Joshua. He said he needs to pack some supplies he may need. He's not telling me what he's preparing for. While I wait, I think about what he told me. Ricky and I are linked to one another. I can't believe I've been feeling his feelings this whole time. That may explain why I took the breakup so hard.

"Luna!" Josh calls for me

I follow his voice downstairs in to a basement. I walk down the creaky stairs. I go in to I assume, his lair. It's a small room, everything is made of dark wood and smells like pine. I walk over to him and see a bunch of bottles. They're filled with different colored liquids. He looked at me and says "here." Then hands me a gold mirror.

"What's this for?" I take the mirror

"I didn't bring it up before, usually this thing has glitches. It's a seeing eye mirror. We can use it to see where Ricky is."


"You just say mirror, show me Ricky. It goes by who you know. So, you'll get exactly who you want."

I look at the mirror, I sigh "mirror? Please show me Ricky."

The glass in the mirror dimly lights up, the glass shakes a little. It shows me Ricky walking in the woods. I lightly gasp and I touch the glass, Ricky keeps walking and I see him climb over a fallen tree. The mirror grows even dimmer, before I know it all I see is my own reflection.

"I recognize the area he's in. He's in the woods, where you and I went to set the traps."

"Okay, let's go." He grabs his bag

We hurry up the creaky stairs, we get in the house. Josh calls for Penelope and she pokes her head from the stairs.

"Come on field trip." He tells her

She nods and comes downstairs, Josh grabs his keys and we go outside. I hurry to his car and get in. I pull my phone out and I buckle up. Josh gets in the driver seat and Penelope gets in the back. I feel my heart pounding in my chest, I still can't believe he had Josh put a protection spell on me. I look at josh "What did he tell you, when he asked you to put the spell on me?"

"He said he wanted to keep you safe. No matter what."

I nod and I go on my phone to call Winter. I press her number then put my phone to my ear. It rings a few times and Winter's voice fills my ears. "Hi honey!"

"Winter! Thank god! Listen, Ricky went off on his own to find Nate."

"What? When did he tell you this?"

"He didn't tell me, he told Joshua."

"Oh my god, he might be checking out Nate's cabin."

"He's in the woods somewhere."

"Okay, we'll find him."

"I'm on my way back, I'll be there in a few hours."

"But Luna-" she goes to say before I talk over her

"Please let me help, I wanna help with at least finding him. I know he'll be mad but I'll take whatever he throws at me."

"Okay fine, but don't say I didn't warn you."

"Deal." I nod

We hang up and I sit back. I look at josh and then Penelope. Both extremely quiet, I sigh within myself and I think about Ricky. When I met him seven almost eight months ago, I could've never pictured this being my life. Let alone what my life would be like with him in it.

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