Chapter Twenty Four: I'm Underneath Your Skin

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When I woke up this morning for school, Ricky wasn't there. I sit up and look around, I don't see anyone. I look over at the clock and I need to get up now before I'm late. I unwrap myself from the sheets and get up. I walk over to the duffel I brought the other day.

I pick up the bag and toss it on his bed. I open the bag and take out the black panties I packed, I quickly put them on. I pull out a black skirt covered with moons and suns. I step in it and pull it up to my waist. I sit on the edge of the bed, I put one of my legs in to a pair of sheer black tights. I smile to myself because I remember last night.

I stand up and pull my tights up, I smooth out my skirt and I reach in my bag for a bra. I find a plain burgundy one and I put it on. I walk over to the mirror and I see a deep bruise on my hip. Hm, I don't remember falling and Ricky didn't grab me that hard and he didn't hit me. I shrug and pull on a dark red, thin knit, long sleeve.

Since I'm dressed I walk downstairs, I go over to the bay window. I sit on it and I look outside, Ricky's car isn't here. That's weird, I stand up and go to the kitchen. I look around and don't see a note. I wonder where he went? I look over at the clock on the wall and it's a quarter to ten. I think I'm gonna go get some breakfast. I would eat here but, since he isn't here I don't wanna go through his things.

I walk over to the front door, I sit down and grab my boots. I pull them on and tie the laces, I climb to my feet and go back upstairs. I grab my duffel and set it on the floor. I think I should make the bed, it's only fair.

I quickly make his bed and fluff out the pillows, I smooth out the quilt and I walk over to my duffel. I pick it up and sling it over my shoulder, I hurry downstairs to grab my keys. I walk over to the key hook he has up by the door. I see my keys hanging up but I also see the new car keys.

I stand there and look at both keys, I still can't  believe that he gave me the Audi. I think about it and I take the Audi keys off the hook. I open the front door and walk out. Shutting the door hard so it'll lock. I walk down the steps and click the unlock button the key fob. The car unlocks and I quickly get in.

I shut the door and I take a look around. The car is immaculate, it looks like he bought it this morning. I clear my throat and press the start button. The car starts and I get nervous, I've never driven something this expensive. I take a deep breath "No, it's fine. You can do this." I put the car in reverse and back out.

I drive to the closest starbucks and I pull in the drive thru. I drive up to the ordering screen, I hear a male's voice "Hello, welcome to Starbucks. What can I get you?"

"Hi uhm. Can I get a...grande peppermint mocha and a egg and cheese breakfast sandwich."

"Anything else?"

"No that'll be it."

"Is your order correct on the screen?"

I look at the screen, I see my drink and sandwich.  "Yes it is."

"Alright that'll be eight dollars and ninety cents. Next window please."

"Thank you." I pull forward

I drive up and wait behind two cars, I reach over and grab my wallet out of my bag. I pull out a ten and wait. I look over at my phone, I pick it up and go to text Ricky. I click on our conversation and type "Hey, I missed you this morning. I have school today so I already left your place. I'm getting something to eat right now. I don't have work tonight so, maybe I can come see you? Let me know."

I put my phone down then I look up. The car in front of me pulls to the window and I pull up a little. I get comfy and wait till it's my turn. I'll admit that I like this car, I feel fancy in it.

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