Chapter Twenty One: Know your purpose

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"Do you not understand my feelings for you, at all?" Ricky asks me angrily

"Of course I do."

"Then what are these?" He opens the passenger door to his car and pulls out a stack of photos.

He hands them to me, they're pictures of Pete kissing me yesterday. I look through them all and ask "Who gave you these?"


I was stupid to think Lacey would back off. She's trying to take Ricky away from me. I look at him  "Ricky, I can explain." He crosses his arms and tilts his head to the side.

"It was a misunderstanding, he didn't know you and I are together. I didn't know it was gonna happen, I reacted as fast as I could."

He keeps looking at me and raises a eyebrow. He clears his throat "Get in the car."

I nod and get in the car, he walks around and gets in the drivers side. I buckle my seatbelt and he starts the car. He drives off and I'm nervous to ask where we're going. I just keep looking out the window, it looks like he's driving us to the woods.

He keeps driving further in to the woods, eventually he parks and stops the car. He unbuckles his seatbelt, then he turns and looks at me. I look at him and ask "What're we doing out here?"

"Get out."

"You're not leaving me here are you?"

"We're both getting out of the car."


"Come on." He gets out of the car

I unbuckle my seatbelt then get out of the car. I shut my door behind me and see Ricky standing on the other side of his car.

"What are we doing?"

He opens the door to the backseats, he looks at me  "Get in the backseat."

"What? Why?"

"We're gonna fuck in the backseat of my car."


"I'm gonna remind you who you belong to." He gets in the back seat

I bite my lip and I wait for a second, I walk up to the door and open it. I crawl in the backseat and I shut the door. I look at him "So another man had his lips on you?"

I nod he looks at me "Well that'll never do."

"Nope." I shake my head

He looks at me "Get the fuck up here." I crawl up on his lap and straddle him. He grabs my thighs and pulls me closer. He kisses me harshly, I kiss him back with the same energy. He puts his hands on my ass and squeezes tightly. I groan and he smacks my ass, hard. I gasp at the pain but, I'll admit I like it.

He stops kissing my lips and he trails down to my neck. I put my head backwards and I moan softly. I feel him nip at my neck, he kisses my neck where he bit down. I take my jacket off and just let it go on the floor. Ricky puts his hands on my hips and rubs them. I put my head up and he stops kissing my neck. I switch with him and start kissing his neck. I drag my tongue across the heart tattoo on his addams apple. I hear him moan a little, I smile to myself.

I rub his chest and I start unbuttoning his shirt, he smirks at me and I feel my cheeks heat up. He leans in and kisses me again, I rub my hands on his rose tattoos. My hands find themselves traveling down to his belt. I unbuckle his belt and unzip the zipper, he reaches under my dress and moves my panties to the side. I pull him out of his pants and he picks me up. He sets me down on him, I sit all the way on him and moan.

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