Chapter Eleven: Monsters Are Always Present

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The memory of last night's still playing in my head, I keep thinking about my dream too. It felt so real, I still have the chills I had when I woke up this morning. I lean on the counter in my kitchen, while I dunk a tea bag in a cup of hot water a few times. I still haven't texted Ricky, I don't think I'm going to either. I'm just so confused about everything, What the hell was that last night. I really saw him go from being normal to zoned out then him being hyper alert. All within a few seconds I might add.

I shake my head at myself, I need to forget about it. I'm only gonna drive myself crazy. I lift my cup up and take a small drink. I hear someone pounding on my front door, I put my cup down then go to the front door. Another set of pounds on it cause me to jump. I look in the peephole and I see Ricky. I roll my eyes and sigh, I unlock my door and take the chain out of the lock. I open the door "Stop pounding on my door, You're gonna break it down. I can't afford another door."

Ricky looks at me with zero amusement in his eyes, I roll my eyes again. I don't have time or energy for this, I go to shut the door but he walks in. I shut the door then I turn around to lean on it. I look at Ricky, who's pacing in my living room.

"So why are you here?"

Ricky looks at me with boiling anger in his eyes.

"Do you have any idea how fucking worried sick I've been? You know I don't want you taking Uber's and you still did anyway! then you didn't text me to tell me you were okay. I've been worried sick Luna."

I cross my arms "Well, I'm sure you could imagine. I wasn't your biggest fan last night."

"That doesn't matter Luna! What if something had happened to you? You hear about it all the time on the news, Some poor girl getting kidnapped or even worse murdered! Among other things!"

"God Ricky, Do you think I'm not capable of getting myself home?" I start getting annoyed

"I do. I just wanna know you're safe." He sighs

"Well if it makes you feel better, I didn't take an Uber. A friend of my brother gave me a ride." I say trying to calm the situation

"Do you know this friend well?" He seems to cool off a little

"Mhm." I say lying to keep this from escalating more.

"Okay fine. I just hate worrying about you." He uncrosses his arms 

I look at him and raise my eyebrow, he looks at me then says "No not like that, I mean I don't like to worry about all the things that could be happening to you."

I nod and close my eyes then sigh. He's just worried about me, I've never had a man that wasn't family actually care about my safety. I look at him and he looks sincerely concerned. Maybe I'm overreacting. I look at him and sigh "Okay. I get that...but"

"But what?" He questions

"I don't understand you. I need to know why you disappear all the time, Why you make me feel crazy when I know I'm not."

"Luna..please don't." He begs

"Don't what? Don't care about the truth? Don't want you to be honest?"

He looks down at his feet and mumbles "This isn't working out."

I bite my lip and think for a minute, He really is so desperate not talk to me that he'll just end things. Maybe that's for the best. This relationship is going absolutely nowhere, we both know it. I look at him with tears forming in my eyes and all I could do is nod.

He walks over to me and kisses my forehead, I look up at him and all I see is sorrow. He touches my cheek then turns around. He walks to the front door and reaches for the knob. He stands there for a minute, as if he doesn't wanna leave. I fight every nerve in my body to tell him to stay. I don't want him to go. I just wanna keep trying with him.

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