Chapter Thirty Seven: An Eerie Sense Of Peace

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The first night back at Ricky's was odd, it's just weird to be here in general. I think the weirdest part was this morning waking up and not having him in bed with me. Obviously that's normal at home but, here it's abnormal. I woke up around eight so I could get ready for school.

I sit up in bed and look around the room. He told me if I wanted, he'd go buy me a bed for the guest room. I told him not to spend money because it'd be an obvious waste but, also because I secretly wanted to stay in his room. I stand up and stretch, the grey light peaking from the curtained windows shyly lights up the room.

I walk over to the windows and slide the curtains over. It's cloudy as usual, it's been warming up a little though. Which makes me happy because I can start wearing dresses more.

I walk over to my suitcase and pick it up. I place it on the bed and I unzip it. I look through everything I grabbed. It looks like a bunch of nonsense. I didn't really pay much attention while I packed, I wanted to leave as soon as possible. I take out a leather skater style skirt, a pair of sheer black tights, and a black long sleeve turtle neck.

I walk in to the master bathroom, I flip the light on and place my clothes on the counter. I turn and open the shower door. I turn the water on and I turn the handle to the warm water. I take off my pajamas and step in the shower. I stand under the water and look up, letting the water hit my face.

Ricky's been so sweet since I've been here, even though it's only been a night. He's just made my heart so full. I really wanna tell him how I feel, I just don't know how. He could be seeing someone else, I wouldn't blame him for seeing someone else. I also wouldn't blame another woman for falling for him. Maybe he isn't though? Maybe I should just be honest, after all honesty is the best policy.

Plus even if he doesn't want me, at least I can say I tried. We just need to set some sort of boundary if we were to work out, of course. Maybe I can talk to him tonight? I have work till late but, it's not like he'll be tired.

After I shower and get ready for school, I look in the mirror. I added some knee high black socks, to tie the look together. I put on my black Dr.martens then I fix my hair. I put it in a messy ponytail. I smile at myself "Here we go."

I walk out of the room and I freeze in my tracks. I see Ricky in his office doorway, doing pull-ups. I lean on the doorway to his bedroom. I look at his back and watch his back muscles tense and relax. I look down and see his black joggers hanging on his hips. I bite my lip and he tells me "Good morning, Luna."

I snap out of it "oh uh, morning." He drops down from the bar. He turns and looks at me, I grin and he asks me "You sleep okay?" He grabs his shirt from hanging over the stair rail.

"Yeah, I did."

"Good, I'm glad." He grins

I nod "Is the pull up bar new?"

"Oh yeah uh, Winter got it for me. She thought it could help me not think about- hey, you hungry?"

"Yeah, actually I am."

"Come on, I'll make you something before school."

He walks downstairs and I follow him, we go in the kitchen and I sit at the island. He opens the fridge and takes out a carton of eggs. He puts them on the counter. He puts his shirt on and I mentally whine. He opens his cabinet and pulls out a plain white box. He walks over to me  "I got you this."

I look at him and he tells me "I accidentally broke your elephant mug."

I open the box and I pull out another elephant mug. It looks like my old one but, it's baby pink instead of grey. He even glued the googly eyes back on it. I look at him and smile, I stand up and hug him.

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