Chapter Seven: Hardest pill to swallow

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I haven't seen much of Ricky lately, not since he put me in the friendzone. Maybe I should've seen this coming? Maybe I shouldn't have let myself fall so damn fast. Maybe he kissed me to see if he felt something for me?

I walk down the steps that I take to my afternoon lecture. I think about all the homework I have to do tonight. I dig my keys out of my bag, I find them and hurry to my car.

The wind causes me to zip my jacket up. I keep walking to my next class, trying not to think about Ricky. While walking I look down and see my boot is  untied. I groan and walk over to the side and kneel down. I start tying my boot and I feel my phone vibrate. I stand up and pull it out of my back pocket. It's a text from Ricky, I reluctantly open it "I'm sorry about the other night. Let me make it up to you? If you can, come over tonight."

I sigh and lock my phone. I adjust my bag on my shoulder then head to my next class.

While I sit and write my notes on the book we're reading. It's called Brave New World, my teacher, Mrs. Cade likes to pick out books that'll make us learn something to use in our real lives. I haven't really learned anything from it yet though. To be honest, the only things I've really enjoyed about the book is, the fact that it's dark with tons of satire.

I look around the class and I see a boy looking at me, I give him a tiny grin. He quickly looks away, well okay. I turn back to my notes and go back to writing my notes on the fifth chapter.

I still haven't responded to Ricky, I don't know what to say to him. How could you kiss someone like that then be like, hey! Let's be friends. What a tease. Maybe he was just screwing with me. Maybe he wants to apologize. Maybe I should go see him tonight? Ask him to fully lay out his cards. I just don't wanna feel stupid again.

Before I know it, my class's let out. I put my things in my bag, I take my phone out and go in my texts with Ricky. I don't think I should go see him, that's to easy. I don't like being played with. I need to keep away a little longer. I sigh then type out "I wish I could but, I have work tonight. Sorry!" I press send andget up. At least I'm not lying entirely, I do have work tonight.

Work drags per usual, I sit at the computer and check books back in. I hum quietly to myself and get lost in my work. I hear my phone go off, I grab it out of my bag and it's a text from Oliva.

"I have a voucher for a free yoga class, I can bring a friend! Do you wanna come? It'd be so fun! Maybe afterwards we can go get some boba?"

I sit and think about it, yoga? I've never tried it before. Maybe I should try it? Wouldn't hurt. I text her back and say "Sure Liv. Sounds good. I'm at work till 5, then I'll need to go home and change first though."

She reads it and replies "Awesome! It starts at 6:00! I'll text you the address."

When I leave work, I walk down to the parking lot. I dig my keys out of my pocket. I find my car and unlock it, I toss my things in the back seat. I get in the car and shut and lock the doors. I take a minute to think. Should I have just gone to see Ricky? Swallow my pride and just go? I roll my eyes at myself. No Luna, you did the right thing. Show him you're not to be pushed around.

I get home and I go in my room to change. I just put on a sports bra and a burgundy colored tank top and some black calf length leggings. I go to my drawer and put on clean socks. I go in my closet, to grab shoes to put on. I pick my black and white converse. I go and sit on my bed and put on my shoes. I lay back and put my hands on my ribs.

My phone buzzes and I grab it, it's a text from Oliva.

"Hey, on my way to the studio. Here is the address 1540 15th ave Seattle WA, see ya soon!"

I smile and reply "leaving soon!"

I sit up and think for a minute, I stand up and grab my phone purse. I make sure I have everything I need. I shrug and walk out of my apartment, locking the door behind me.

During the yoga class, my mind begins to wander. I think I should tell Ricky how I feel, because I really am bent out of shape over it. It makes me feel stupid. I probably should just cut ties with him. I don't wanna just be friends with him. I know I haven't known him very long but, I feel drawn to him.

After the yoga class Olivia and I walk to get some Boba. She is going on about her Steven. I don't pay much attention until I hear her call my name.


I snap out of my thoughts and come back to earth. I look at her "hm?"

"We're here."

I look up at the sign that reads "Moo Bar" I look at her " bad."

"You okay? You seem kind of distant."

"I'm good, just stressed out. School's been kicking my ass."

"You should relax more, how is that guy you've been seeing going?"

"It's complicated, I'm not sure what he really wants. It's really murky right now. I would like to see it go somewhere but, I'm not sure he does."

"Why don't you talk to him about it?"

"I honestly think I'm going to soon. I need to clear my head. Lay out my cards to him."

"Exactly, you should. Don't bottle your feelings up. It doesn't help anyone."

I nod  "Let's go get our boba."

Her and I walk in the shop, I deeply think about what she said and I decide to just swallow my pride and talk to him. What's the worst he could do? Reject me? He already did that.

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