Chapter Seventeen: New opportunities

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This past week has been one of the most uncomfortable ones in my whole life. I've been having to work on my group projects with Lacey and I hate it. I should've said no when she asked to work with us, all week Lacey's been trying to talk to me about what happened. I understand she wants to work everything out but, I honestly don't want to. I just want this project over already so I can go see my Dad in Denver.

Lately I've been really nervous about going alone. Usually when I fly places, I have someone going with me. The thought of Ricky going has really been warming up to me. If anyone would really be able to keep me safe, It's Ricky. I'm gonna talk to him again about it again. Although this time I'm actually ask him to come. I need to be snappy about asking him because, I leave this Monday. I'm gonna go see him after I meet up with my group, Today we're finishing up our discussion on the book we picked.

I sit up in bed and rub my eyes, I look over to the side of me and I'm sad Ricky isn't with me. He left last night around ten, He put me in bed and kissed my forehead then left. I stretch my arms and I grab my phone off my nightstand. I have a Good morning text from Ricky and a text from my Dad

He's asking about Ricky coming to Denver. I put my phone down then climb out of bed. I quickly change out of my pajamas in to a cropped, grey, knit, crew neck sweater. Then I pull on some black high waisted jeans. I walk over to my vanity and sit down, I grab my hair brush and brush out all the knots in my hair.

I need to hurry and get going, I'm supposed to meet up with my group to finish up our project soon. We chose the book Jane Eyre, I'm a sucker for romance novels. I spent most of last week reading and preparing for our discussion. My group's supposed to present on Wednesday, Which is good because I want some time to relax before I fly to Denver next Monday

When I lock up my apartment, I put my keys in my purse. I turn walk down the hall to the elevator. I'm just glad that, after today I don't have to see Lacey as much. All week she's been trying to make it up to me. I'm gonna forgive her but leave it at that. The guy in our group Kenny, He's been a sweetheart. I can see myself being friends with him after this.

I pull in to the Starbucks parking lot and I park. I get out of my car and I put on my black jacket with faux fur on the collar.

"Hey girly!" Kenny's voice calls out to me

I turn and see my project partner Kenny, He's a handsome guy in my opinion. He's a tall light skinned guy, with messy sandy brown colored hair. His eyes are a hazel shade and they're framed with dark lashes. He walks over and hugs me from the side.

"Hey, Is Cody working?"

"Yeah, He's already here."

Cody's Kenny's boyfriend, He said they've been together a year. Cody's just nice as Kenny. It's been nice having them as new friends.

"Is anyone else here?"

"I just got here, so I don't know."

Kenny and I walk inside, I look over and see Lacey and Olivia. They're sitting over at a table near the window. They both have their laptops out, probably working on the final details. Kenny goes and orders himself a black coffee. I walk over to the girls and they both say hi.

I smile and sit down in the seat next to the window. Olivia looks at me then smiles "How was your date last night?"

I smile "It was incredible."

"With Ricky?" Lacey comes into the conversation

I turn to look at her "Yeah? who else?"

She shrugs then looks back at her laptop. Kenny walks over "Here Luna, I got you a hot chocolate." Then sets it down on the table.

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