Forty Two: I'll Take The Truth At Any Cost

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Joshua gave me a tour of his home, to say it's beautiful is a huge understatement. The whole house is decorated to the nines. The house smells like cinnamon and sugar, as if someone's baking.

"So, why does Ricky need me to shelter you?" He asks me

"He didn't tell you?"

"No, he just said that he needed to get you here ASAP."

"Well, it's a kinda long story."

"Then simplify it."

"There's a hunter going around, Ricky got a note from him threatening me and now I'm here."

"Yeah, that's simplified alright."

"I'm sorry for having to be here, I wish I just could've stayed in Seattle."

"Don't sweat it, you'll love it here. Oh! Since you're here you can meet Penelope."

"Penelope? Is she your girlfriend?"

"Oh no, no no. Penelope's my apprentice. A young witch I've been training. You'll like her."

"Has she been around long?"

"Few weeks."

I look around and pay attention to detail. I walk over to a book shelf and look at what he has. Looks like a bunch of spell books, minus a few cookbooks. I turn and look at him "lots of books here."

"Yeah, I dug out more so I can have my apprentice read them. She has lots to learn."

I nod and go to sit on his couch. He comes over and sits with me.

"I know this isn't ideal but, I'm sure he has his reasons for sending you here."

"I just wish I could help him. I hate feeling like a child that's in the way."

"I know, it's tough. All the vampires I've come across are very...particular about how they do things. Very stubborn they are."

"I just hope it gets better after-" I stop in my tracks

"After what?"

I sigh, I wanna tell at least somebody. I'm happy about being engaged. I love Ricky and I don't wanna hide it. I can at least tell Josh, besides who's he gonna tell? I look at him and I roll up my sleeve. I show him my engagement ring and he smiles.

"He proposed? Congratulations, Luna."

"Thank you, we're keeping it a secret for now. You're the only person who knows."

"Your secret's safe with me."

I smile and the front door opens, I look and see a girl about my age. She places a bag she was carrying on a hook. Josh looks at her and says "Penelope, come here. There's someone I want you to meet."

She looks at us and I smile at her. I notice how flawless she is, her raven colored hair is long and in a messy ponytail. Her light brown eyes are covered in a taupe eyeshadow, while her lips are a deep crimson. She grins at me and walks over.

"Penelope, this's Luna. She's going to be our house guest for a bit." Josh says to her

She says "Oh, okay. Hi I'm Penelope but I also go by Penny."

She reaches her hand out to me, I shake her hand "It's good to meet you."

"Penny's the young witch I mentioned earlier."

"Joshua!" She hits his arm

"What?" He asks defensively

"You can't go around telling people that!"

Safe In Sorrow (Careful reboot) On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara