Chapter Thirty Three: My God Where Have I Been?

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It feels like Ricky and I've been broken up for three years. In reality it's only been a week, the events of that day keep playing in my head. After Ricky and I went our separate ways, Winter took me to his place. I asked her to leave once she dropped me off, I told her I'd figure something out.

I only took MY things meaning, anything Ricky gave me is still at his place. Yes, even the car. I couldn't take the Audi and expect to feel good about driving a car my ex gave me. I packed everything I could and I left within a few hours. I think the scariest thing about the breakup is me picturing my life without him. My world feels so empty now, I miss waking up with him. I miss him entirely.

I didn't know where I wanted to go after I left that night. I just called the one person I really wanted to see. I've been staying with my Dad since everything's happened. He's been great, he hasn't hovered over me about what happened. He knows Ricky and I broke up but, that's pretty much it. Well, he knows that and that I start crying when I see romantic commercials come on.

My mom's been asking to see me, I don't know if I'm ready to see her though. I know that sounds awful but, I know she's gonna wanna talk about what happened. Speaking of what happened, a hiker found Steven's body. Olivia is crushed beyond belief. She's been busy helping his family with the funeral plans.

Her and I talked everything out too. The silence on her side of the phone when I told her Ricky and I broke up, was what hurt my heart the most.

She invited me to come to the funeral. My heart's telling me to go. While my brain is telling me I'm crazy for even considering it. Especially since I know Steven didn't care about her. Unfortunately I'll have to live with that the rest of my life. Let's hope I develop a memory issue, so I can forget that tiny detail.

I'm struggling with not seeing Ricky everyday. I'm trying to convince myself he's just out of town except, when I wake up; the new scenery reminds me of the truth.

When I walk downstairs this morning, I hear my dad in the kitchen talking to my stepmom.

"Honey, she needs to talk to someone. I know you said Sarah's been wanting to see her." I hear Heather say

"Heather I know, I'm giving Luna space. She's going through a real tough time right now, you saw how much she loved him." My dad tells her

Oh great, now my stepmom is getting antsy. If she starts asking me about Ricky, I'm gonna take my chances at my mom's. She's gonna ask questions too but, at least there I can prepare for it.

"I'm just concerned. I think he really hurt her. She's been here a week and I don't think I've seen her eat a single meal."

"I'll talk to her about it. Just leave it alone." He sighs

I bite my lip and come downstairs to the kitchen. My Dad looks at me "Morning baby."

"Morning Dad. Morning Heather." I grin

"Morning hun." She says

Heather's actually kinda right, I haven't been eating much. I go to the cabinet and take out a cereal bowl. My Dad looks at me "honey, do you want me to make you something?"

"No. Cereal's fine." I pick up the box of Cheerios from the counter 

"Your Mom called, she wants me to bring you over. So why don't you eat then you can go get ready and I'll bring you over."

"Yeah okay. Sounds good." I pour the cereal in the bowl

I might as well just go see my Mom, I could use one of her hugs.

My dad goes in the fridge and gets the milk. He sets it down next to my bowl and he kisses my head. I grin and open the milk, I pour some in my cereal. My dad hands me a spoon and I go sit at the bar to eat. My Dad looks at me "I'm glad you're here honey. Even if the circumstances aren't ideal. I've missed you."

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