Chapter Forty Five: The Hell I Overcame

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When I woke up this morning, I opened my eyes and saw Ricky still sleeping softly. This is a nice change, it almost makes my life feel normal. I lean over and kiss his cheek. I sit up and stretch, I should probably go see the others. I get out of bed and walk out of the bedroom. I hear voices talking downstairs.

I walk downstairs and I see Winter and Josh talking at the dining table. I walk over and winter looks at me, she gives me a warm smile. "Morning Luna. Tea?"

I look over at Josh, my eyes narrow "Did you make it?"

Winter giggles  "No, I did."

I look at her "Then yes, but if there's another spell in it then I swear I won't be eating a thing at my own wedding."

"I can't wait! We need to start planning! We need a guest list, we need a caterer, we need a location! There's so much to do! We should start now." Winter says excitedly

"Woah woah, let's press down on the brakes a sec."

"Why? What's wrong? Don't you wanna get started?" She asks confused

"I do but, there's some people I still need to tell."

"Like who?"

"Well my Mother for starters. Ricky asked for my hand so my Dad kinda knows, he just doesn't know I said yes. I have some friends I'd like to tell too."

"Fine but, just know I'm ready to plan now."

"Don't worry there will be plenty of time to plan. I don't plan to marry him right away, I'd like some time."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I'd like to have a fall wedding. It's only April. If you wanna get excited about anything, my birthday's this month."

"Ooh! Can I plan a party?"

"Sure. Just keep it small please?"

"You got it! Eek! I have so many idea's!" She says excitedly

"Can I ask you something?"

"Shoot." She grins

"Why did you change your name to Winter? Didn't you like the name Elizabeth as a first name?"

"I changed it because I found out I have living relatives."

"You do?"

"Yeah, great nephews and nieces. I changed my name so, if they ever do one of those DNA things? they'll think I'm someone else." 

"What were you like before you were changed?"

"Ooh! Story time! Okay so it was a loooooong time ago, like Washington delivers the State of the Union Address long time ago." She explains

While she talks, Josh takes a sip of his tea He chokes a little bit on his drink. Winter looks at him. He coughs from choking  "good god woman! How old are you?"

She gives him a look "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

He says "I should go check on Ricky." Then stands up

He walks upstairs and I turn to Winter. She smiles at me "Anyways, I was the youngest in the family. I had two sisters and a brother. My Mother died days after I was born. My father was pretty wealthy, so I never wanted a thing. He married my Stepmother, when I was about six. My siblings were much older than I was, they were all almost teenagers when he remarried."

"When did you meet Chris?"

She smiles "I met him when I was 23. My father hired him as our stable man. He was also our handyman, he was really quiet. Hardworking too, wouldn't leave till his job was done."

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