Chapter Twenty Two: A Taste Of Something New

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"How long are you gonna be gone?" I ask Ricky while on the phone

"Just today I'll be back tomorrow night, baby."

"Please be careful."

"I will, baby." He hangs up

Ricky and his family are going on a hunting trip. They're also gonna try to find out more about the hunter that's been around. With the hunter around I'm worried about Ricky. I don't know what I'd do if he got hurt.

Since Ricky's gone, I can get some stuff done around my apartment. I start with getting all my laundry together. I haven't been home lately so my housekeeping duties have been slacking. I walk around my apartment grabbing anything that needs to be put in the laundry.

I walk over to the couch and take a black sweater off the back. I toss it in the basket and I grab some socks I see poking out from under the coffee table. I keep looking around for any clothes.

I don't see anything else so I walk over to the shutter doors. I open them up and they reveal my small laundry area. I put everything in the wash then start it. I shut the shutters and I start picking up the living room.

After a few hours I sit on the couch. I look around at my now clean apartment and I feel empty. I turn on the tv and flip through the channels. I land on a movie, I get comfy on the couch and watch. I hear my phone ring on the coffee table. I sit up and grab it, I see Olivia calling me. I smile and pick up, I "Hello?"

"Hey! You busy tonight?"

"Nope. Why?"

"I'm going to like a wine and painting party tonight, I can bring a plus one!"

"Sounds like fun."

"Wanna come?"

"Sure, why not! What time?"

"Seven! Wear whatever you want. If you don't wanna paint that's fine."

"Text me the address."

"I'll pick you up."

"I'll be ready then."

I hang up with Olivia and go in my room. I don't think I'm gonna paint tonight. I guess I'll wear a dress tonight, I look through my closet and pick a black t-shirt dress that has a white rose print all over it. I toss it on my bed then quickly undress and change in to some black boy-shorts. I put on the shirt and I put on a cropped leather jacket. I put on some black leather booties, that have black lace on the sides.

When I leave I lock everything up then head down in the elevator. When I walk out of the elevator I see Oliva pull up. I smile and wave to her. She stops the car and I quickly get in, She looks at me "Hey!"


She drives off once I shut the door"So what's Ricky doing tonight?"

"He's out of town this weekend actually."

"How come?"

"Family stuff."

"Oh, I hope everything's okay."

I nod and I buckle my seatbelt, while she drives I go on my phone. I send a quick text to Ricky and "Going to a wine/painting party tonight. I miss you."

His chat bubble comes up and he sends "Okay, have fun. Be safe. I miss you too baby."

I smile and put my phone in my jacket pocket. I look at Olivia "Who's party is this anyway?"

"A old friend, her name's Kiara Liang. I've known her since I was a kid. You'll like her."

"Sounds cool." I smile

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