Chapter Forty: Maybe I'm Afraid Of How Much I Love You

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"Well, we need to figure out something!" Ricky says angrily to Chris

"You think I don't know that!" Chris says back

"Stop fighting, you two! This isn't helping anyone!" Winter says

I watch three vampires at each other's throats. The same way they've been for a half hour, the only ones not arguing are Ryan and I.

"Can we focus on the fact that ANOTHER vampire is dead." Winter says

Ricky and Chris don't get out of each other's faces. Knowing both of their personalities, neither is gonna back down easily. Winter rolls her eyes and forces herself between them.

"Richard! Go sit over there! Christopher! You sit here!" She says then pushes him down on a love seat.

Chris starts staring at me and I ask "What?"

"When did you get back in the picture?" He asks me

"Leave Luna alone." Ricky snaps

"Everyone shut the hell up!" Ryan says

We all look at Ryan and he sinks back in to the couch.

"Thank you, Ryan." Winter tells him

He nods and stays quiet. I pat his knee and Ricky comes over and sits on the arm of the couch.

"Look, we need to think of how we're gonna stop this guy. Quickly." Winter says

"You said there was a note? Near Venna? What did it say?" Ricky asks

Winter looks at Chris and says "you just had to tell him about the note."

"He should know, Winter." He says

"I should know what?" Ricky asks

Winter sighs and reaches in her dress pocket. She takes out a folded up piece of paper. She hands it to Ricky, then goes to sit with Chris. Ricky unfolds it and reads it, he looks up after he reads it at Chris and Winter.

"You didn't think to tell me about this? He threatens Luna and you think oh he doesn't need to know?" Ricky asks

"I was gonna give it to you, I didn't want you to read it in front of Luna." Winter admits

Ricky sighs "Well, I'm getting her the fuck out of here. I'll take her to Portland to stay with Joshua. He owes me, BIG. Luna, let's go."

"Wait! Hang on, you're shipping me off?" I ask confused

He looks at me "baby, he threatened you. I'm not taking chances."

"I wanna help you guys! I could do something, I'm sure there's something I could do." I plead

"No, I'm not risking losing you. Not again."

"But Ricky I-" I try to say but he interrupts me

"Never. Again."

I need to take my own advice, help him. Even if what he needs isn't ideal.

"Okay." I sigh

Winter says "you can't take her to Joshua's."

Ricky turns to her "why can't I?"

"He's out of town."

"Where'd he go?"

"He didn't say, but he'll be back Friday." She says

"It's only Wednesday." I realize

"Shit, I can't take her to Portland Friday." Ricky groans

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