Chapter Thirty One: Crave

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I still feel incredibly bad about the other night. I hate that I scared Ricky and Winter like that. I've been walking on egg shells ever since, Ricky hasn't mentioned the incident since it happened. He doesn't seem mad about it anymore. He's been pretty busy lately though, I miss him. Chris's been the one keeping him busy, probably more hunter stuff.

I walk downstairs and I see Alfie on the island. I smile and go to him and pet him. He rubs his head on my hand and he purrs. I stop petting him and he jumps off the counter. I go to the fridge and open it, I just grab a water. I shut the fridge then go back to the island. I hop up and sit on it. I open the bottle and take a drink.

I hear a door upstairs open, footsteps come from the stairs. I see Ricky walks through the doorway to the kitchen. He looks at me "afternoon, Luna dear."

I wave at him and he comes over to me. He kisses my forehead, I look up at him and he asks me "Any fun plans today?"

"I was gonna go to Yoga with Olivia and her friend Kiara."

"Any plans tonight?"

"Nope." I say emphasizing

He puts his hands on my thighs "Good, you and I are going to Winter's party then."

I look at him confused "another party?"

"Winter's birthday party."

"Aw! It's her birthday? Is Chris throwing the party?" I ask curiously

"Yeah, Winter throws every party except her birthday party. Chris does that party and he does a pretty good job."

"That's cute, how long have they been together?"

"Well..they were together before I was born so..a long time." He laughs

"When you say when you were born?"

"I mean when I was a baby."

"I have a hard time picturing you as a baby." I giggle

He chuckles and says "Well, at one point I was one."

I smile and put my hands on his shoulders. He leans in and kisses my head.

"What's the dress code for tonight?"

"Casual. I'm just gonna be in jeans." He shrugs

"Okay, cool."

"Alright, I gotta go run some errands. Have fun with your friends." He grabs his sunglasses

I watch him walk out and I slide off the island. I should go change, Olivia's picking me up. I hurry up the stairs and go in our room. I walk over to the dresser and open up the second one. I take out my black leggings and my berry colored sports bra.

I quickly get changed and my phone starts ringing. I walk over to it and it's Olivia, I press the green option "Hey, you here?"

"Yeah, are you ready?"

"Almost. you can come in, If you want."

"Okay! See you in a sec." She hangs up

I sit on the bed and pull my socks on. I stand up and I hear Olivia knock on the front door. Ricky must've locked it when he left. I hurry downstairs and open the door. I see Olivia and Kiara. I smile and say hello to both of them, they walk in and Kiara looks around "Wow your place is really nice."

"Thank you, my boyfriends friend Winter designed it."

"Really? Can she decorate my new place?" Olivia asks

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