Chapter Thirty Six: Am I Gonna Be Fine?

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I've been living with Olivia for about a month now, when I last saw Ricky was the first week I lived with her. I've been trying not to think about him. To say it's hard is an understatement. I've just been avoiding anything that has to do with him.

I've spending a lot of time at school and work, then with family and friends. It feels good doing human things again. Not worrying about any hunters or wolves. I still miss Ricky, I miss him so much it hurts. I need to remind myself, that I don't belong in his world. No matter how much I love him.

This morning I got up early, I had to meet my mom and Jeff. I promised him I'd help him with his little league today. The season just started so, he's gonna need a lot of help. Plus it'll get me out of the house. I know if I stay home in bed, I'll think about him. Plus what better way could I spend this Sunday morning?

I pull up to the baseball field and I park my car. I grab my jacket off the passenger seat and I get out of the car. I shut the door then walk over to my Mom. She looks at me and smiles and says "you came!"

I smile at her and give her a side hug. She squeezes my side and I see Jeff. He's leading the kids with stretches. I sit on the bleachers and watch Jeff. The kids seem to really love him, I don't blame them. He's an awesome coach and step-dad. My mom sits with me and she wraps an arm around me.

"Have you talked to Liam?"

"No. Not this morning, why?" I lay my head on her shoulder

"He's supposed to bring the after practice snacks for the kids."

"Oh hmm, if he doesn't show I'll run across the street to Vons."

"I swear, ever since the wedding I see less and less of him." She sighs

"He's just settling in to his new life with Amy."

"Yeah, you're right. Guess I'm just gonna have to get used to the fact he's married."

I smile and she looks at me "Do me a favor? don't get married. At least not for a while. I don't want all my babies growing up yet."

I nod and think she doesn't have much to worry about. I'm not dating anyone right now, even though I would've married Ricky in a heartbeat. I smile to myself but I hide it from my mom. She knows not to bring up Ricky but, that doesn't mean she won't.

After a little while, Liam and Amy show up. I help bring in the snacks, Amy and I set them up on a tiny table next to the dugout. She looks at me "Thanks for the hand, Luna."

"Yeah, of course." I smile

Liam walks over "Wow great job guys." Then he wraps an arm around Amy's waist. I smile at him "Thanks."

"Hey, Luna. Amy and I were gonna head to Pikes Market after this. Grab some lunch, you should come. Get yourself out of the house." I'm sure Mom has filled him in all the gory details. About how I don't leave the house now, unless I absolutely have to. I go to say no but Liam says "It's settled. You're coming." Then goes over to my mom.

I look at Amy and she smiles at me. I return the gesture then turn around to look at Jeff. He's helping a kid with hitting the ball. When he asked me to come help, I think he meant he was helping me with getting out of bed. I walk over to my mom and sit with her. I pull my knees up to my chest and watch the kids play.

After the game, I help pass out the snacks. The kids all get a granola bar, with some crackers, and a Gatorade. I look over at my Mom and Jeff, they are laughing and smiling with one another. I miss having that, despite all the seriousness in Ricky's life. He loved making me laugh and he loved when I made him laugh. He even laughed at the jokes I got from popsicle sticks.

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