Oliver- II

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Annoyance,I was annoyed by the fact, that the officer was asking way too many questions than necessary. It was like repetition of the facts. The bullets taken out from Liana was given to the police for investigation. Here, I sat with the officer who was asking me about past histories of Megan and I.

I was already very anxious about the fact, that even though bullets was taken out from her body, they have no idea when she is going to wake her. Will it be days? months? or years?

"What do you mean you have no idea when she will wake up?" I snapped at the doctor, who give me sympathetic look as my Dad put his hand on my shoulder.

"Oliver." He warned.

I rubbed my face in anger and said, "What is wrong?"

"Even though we took out the bullets, she is still in a serious condition, too much blood and it was a narrow escape that it didn't hit her heart."

"Narrow escape." I muttered. Thinking about the fact, that Megan almost had a narrow escape from the law, angered me much more.

I sat with her on her first day, she was sleeping soundlessly with the oxygen mask on and her heart beat going up and down in the monitor. I took her hand, and saw her wrist which had a red deep mark due to the rope. I  kissed it gently. I missed her, already.

It was not a surprised, that she is all over the news after this attack. The fashion industries is shook by the news that their own A plus model turned out to be a criminal behind the good look. Reporters started doing background checks on Liana and I was having trouble hiding her from the news.

Day one, I hardly slept as I sat beside her, hoping she will wake up and give me the warm smile and comfort.

Day two, was when I had to fill up paper works to file a law suit against Megan, again. The lawyer that my grandpa suggested was annoying as f^ck. He looked through the paper and questioned me of what happened.

When I returned back to the hospital, Mia and Stacy was with her. I sat near her and kissed her hand lightly and held her hand. The Doctor came to do a regular check up on her and said that she is doing better than yesterday and hope she will keep progressing.

Later that evening, when I was sitting on the couch with Jason and going through the legal requirement when suddenly the monitor of her heart started racing faster and her breathing turned quicker. I rush to her and for a brief moment I saw her eyes open.

"Call the doctor now, she is awake." I said to Jason. I said it too soon because once again she went back to sleep.

"There is a slight chance she will be waking up soon?" The doctor said, "it is so unexpected that she is awake on the second day."

"Do we have to look out for something when she wakes up again?" I asked.

"We will be having a full through check up of her body tomorrow to see how her body is after taking two bullets, after taking out the bullets it should be fine, but we have to still make sure there is no internal injury." She said and I nodded my head.

"You should go home and shower." My mom said when she came to visit her. She looked traumatized as well, her usual confident replaced by worried looks.

"I cannot leave her." It was already so hard for me to leave her to go to meet the lawyers. I was scared someone will come and hurt her which is why I asked Caleb to be in charge of her security outside the room.

"She is strong." My mom said as she kissed my head. "Go and eat something and shower."

Liana kept losing conscious every time, when I thought, that she will be perfectly awake, but she goes unconscious later. Day three, was a struggle and I was getting more frustrated as I see no sign of her being conscious. Day three, was also the day when the first victim, one of my ex came forward to the press about the matter of Megan and how she beat her up as well for liking me once upon a time and that brought another wave of trouble. I would have never imagined Megan to be so controlling and would actually hurt someone, I was so wrong. I learnt that she like me, but this is not really how you treat someone you like. She treated me as a prize possession and a challenge to win my heart.

Total five victims have came forward against Megan, all of them was my past history. Some other people came forward to talk about Megan behaviour towards them in their industry and it was crazy as hell.

I met her for the first time after the arrest. She give me a desperate look and said,

"I swear Oliver, it was just defending."

I scoffed at her words and did not say anything and she shouldn't too because she is being recorded and whatever she say can go against her. Her representative said that Megan was defending herself from all of them and it blows my minds about her being the victim. She tied up Liana and shot her and call herself the victim.

"Care to explain about this defending?" I said still glaring at her.

"Don't look at me like that." She said in a small voice.

"Look at you like what?"

"Like you hate me."

"I really do." I said. "You almost killed someone, that I love."

"I was just protecting us!" She claimed in desperation.

"There was no us." I said the most obvious fact and she looked horrified.

"We were so happy when she was not there."

"I will make this clear, the reason we were even seen together in public was because you asked me to in order to get boost in your career. That time Liana and I had a little break from our relationship, I was upset and I agree with you. You got the help you needed and that was it. There was no us!"

She started sobbing, "We were so in love with each other, we were happy."

My eyes softened and I looked at her, "You cannot force someone to love you, Megan and you cannot expect your love one to love you the same way as you love them. They might love you more or love you less, it is up to them. What you did is a crime."

She wiped her tears and said, "I would have been beside you right now if she was found on the road."

Nauseous, her word made me sick. "You are not upset by the fact that you did the crime, you are upset because you got caught." I said, disapprovingly. "Are you hearing yourself?"

"I should have shot once more." She said thoughtfully and I stood up, angry and glared at her.

"Time's up!" The officer stepped into the room and I turned away from her.

"Don't turn your back on me." She whined.

"I should have turned my back on you, long time back when Jason told me you liked me and I thought we can be friends." I said without looking at her.

"You should have told me that you will never love me back."

I turned around quickly and said, "I thought I made it clear to you, that you are like family and I can never ever date you."

"Maybe I just didn't want to admit that." She said in a soft voice.

"If I lose her." My voice cracked even thinking about that makes me want to cry. "I am going to lose myself."

I walked away from the walk in disaster, that I should have kicked out long time back from my life.

Regrets, I was living with regrets after her attack. If only I was able to stop the disaster. If only her car was in the middle, if only I was able to reach on time, if only I could have save her that time. I found myself buried with regrets as I saw her lying still, the monitor, that showed her heart rate was the only thing that was keeping me sane, giving me hope, that she will wake up soon.

Author's Note: Shoutout to the reader who requested a chapter in Oliver's POV, shoutout to all the readers who voted and shoutout to all the readers reading this book! I had a great time writing in Oliver's POV. Thank you for reading this book, please give the chapters, Vote. Thank you again!! Read my other books, which you can find in my profile!

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