Part 17

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LUCY, ERLE, DARCY, NANCY, MIN and JORDANIA all stand on the field while CONNER sits on a stump off to the side scribbling on parchment paper.

JORDANIA: You guys know how to play lacrosse?

ERLE: I'm familiar.

DARCY: I love it!

LUCY: No...

NANCY: What's lacrosse?

MIN: You know the answer, Jordania.

JORDANIA: Conner said he wanted to be referee but I don't really trust that.

CONNER: I am fantastic at judgement! I'm making a map aren't I?

MIN: I'm starting to understand why he and Randi get along so well.

JORDANIA: So Min and I got a score to settle so we're both team captains. So I'm picking Erle and Nancy.

MIN: That isn't fair.

JORDANIA: I thought it would be fair if we had one amateur each. How isn't it fair?

MIN: I wanted Erle on my team.

JORDANIA: It's only for fun, Min. There's only one Erle too. Not everyone can have an Erle.

MIN: I know how much of a bad sport you are Jordania.

JORDANIA: And I know you hate losing to me.

MIN: I still want Erle on my team.

JORDANIA: Well, tough luck. He's on mine.

ERLE: I'm not a toy. You guys can't just fight over me if you feel like it.

JORDANIA: Yeah, Min! You shouldn't be fighting over him. Tsk tsk.

MIN: I'm going to beat you anyways. I don't need Erle to succeed.

ERLE (offended): Ouch.

JORDANIA: Too bad Belinda isn't here. It could've made things more fun if we had more people on teams.

LUCY: She's doing the rest of the chores since she decided to skip out on us. I still can't believe she did that.

CONNER: That means I get more map time!

MIN: Whatever, go get your sticks and we'll play. Have the amateurs be goalies since they probably want to use their hands.

Jordania, Erle and Nancy walk off together while Min, Lucy and Darcy walk in the other direction.

JORDANIA (to Nancy): So Nancy, you ever heard of lacrosse.

NANCY: I have but I never played.

JORDANIA: So you know it's like hockey but with butterfly nets.

NANCY: I guess?

Min looks to Jordania's team and they look back to their team. Lucy and Darcy stare back at Min.

MIN: Game plan. Just do as I say and we'll win.

LUCY: I still don't understand the rules.

MIN: Don't let the ball go into the net and stand in front of the net.

LUCY: Um, okay.

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