Part 34

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LUCY walks out of the bakery with a full bag and notices a child sitting on the ground. She's confused and notices there are more children. There are twenty kids all sitting on the sidewalks drawing intensely into their notebooks. She peers over one kid's shoulder and is shocked at what she sees. The sketchbook contains poorly drawn goats. Lucy leans in more and accidentally drops bread onto a KID's page. The kid is so completely absorbed in the activity that instead of moving the bread, the loaf is just stabbed with the pencil in an attempt to continue drawing. Lucy's eyes go wide before she tentatively tries to take back the bread. The pencil is stuck in the loaf and the kid's hand continues to perform drawing motions, unaware that the pencil is gone.


Lucy takes out the pencil from the bread and puts the pencil on the kid's notepad. The kid doesn't notice and continues to mime the drawing motion.

LUCY CONT'D (mumbles): What is wrong with that kid? Why are there so many kids?

QUIET MYSTIC V.O.: Wouldn't you like to know?

Lucy turns around suddenly trying to find the voice. Her breathing quickens and she clutches the bread to the point of crushing it. She walks away in confusion and bumps into QUIET MYSTIC. She smiles at Lucy while she looks back at her in fear.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: Are you looking for me?

LUCY: Uh, no. I was just... Um. I'm heading back to my residence.

Lucy walks away from her quickly and Quiet mystic calls after her.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: Why don't you call it your home?

LUCY: What do you mean?

QUIET MYSTIC: You live there and have family there, don't you?

LUCY: I don't. They're back at home.

QUIET MYSTIC: And where is that home? One of the other islands outside of Elgin? Like Concordia? Or are you referring to something... otherworldly?

LUCY: Who the hell are you?

QUIET MYSTIC: I am only a quiet mystic.

Lucy slowly pulls out the black note book from her bag and Quiet Mystic's smile grows wider.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: I wouldn't recommend attempting to contact your friends.

LUCY: This doesn't communicate with them... they just happen to see it if they open to the right page.

QUIET MYSTIC: Well, you would need to send a message crow for them to be notified. It would be futile to try in the end.

Quiet Mystic approaches Lucy and touches her face. Lucy flinches at the touch and Quiet Mystic tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: I won't hurt you. Do not worry. I only want to talk.

LUCY: About what?

QUIET MYSTIC (pulls away): I just want to ask why you don't call your residence home.

LUCY: This isn't my home. My home is earth. Back where we have wifi, mobile phones, modern technology! This place is a floating island. It's not the sphere that I'm used to.

QUIET MYSTIC: What's the name of your family members then?

LUCY: That's easy there's my mom E... eh? Ah? I... don't remember.

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