Part 54

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LUCY and DARCY sit on the couch and Darcy shifts uncomfortably. Lucy is excited as she sits at the edge of her seat to listen to him better. Darcy sips his drink, not daring to look into her eyes.

LUCY CONT'D: So, you picked up slang from us?

DARCY: Yeah.

LUCY: Amazing. Did Lilith ever give you any hints about us?

DARCY: No. I told you, that was the first time I ever met her.

LUCY: What exactly happened while you were knocked out?


LUCY: Did you get a mark from this?

DARCY: I'm pretty sure I don't have any marks.

LUCY: What was it like waking up to see Lilith's face?

DARCY: It was okay?

LUCY: Did you see a bright light when you woke up? Any significant imagery?

DARCY: I don't think so? I just... woke up.

LUCY: Oh, that's disappointing.

DARCY: Well, there was one thing...

LUCY: Yes?

DARCY: I don't know if I made it up, but I remember something...

LUCY: Tell me everything.

DARCY: So... before I woke up, I had this weird dream.



DARCY is in the forest and fog covers everything. He can't even see what's in front of him. He starts walking forward blindly, stumbling every so often.

DARCY V.O. CONT'D: There was a lot of fog. I couldn't find my way through anything, but I kept walking anyways. Suddenly there was a clearing in the forest, and I saw there was an hourglass.

Darcy sees a patch of grass with an hourglass in the middle. The sand in the hourglass mostly sit at the bottom and the last few grains of sand fall. Darcy whips his head to the side and sees a floating cloak. The cloak spins and whirls playfully.

A person emerges from the fog and sees the cloak. They glance at Darcy for a moment in confusion and the cloak approaches the person. The cloak block's Darcy's view of the person and when the cloak moves away, the person can't be found. The cloak turns to Darcy and slowly approaches him. He falls backwards and finds himself being buried in sand and his vision slowly gets obscured as he's forced to watch the sky turn red.



DARCY has his hands in his lap, and he twiddles his fingers nervously. LUCY stares at him in awe and wonder after hearing the tale.

DARCY CONT'D: It probably doesn't mean anything.

LUCY: Do you want anymore snacks or drinks?

DARCY: Actually, I think I need to head home.

Darcy stands abruptly.

DARCY CONT'D: Thanks for having me here. See you uh... next time.

Darcy leaves and Lucy sighs. She pulls out a book from the couch's cushions and opens it to reveal hastily scribbles notes that praise Lilith.

LUCY CONT'D: I can change the world. She told me I can.

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