Part 58

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QUIET MYSTIC stands at the jail cell and her fingers run over the bars playfully as she smiles excitedly.

QUIET MYSTIC: Ambrose. I have some wonderful news. The children have been successfully able to receive the marks from each section. Our plan will have no chance of failure.

THERON LE MORT sits in the cell with his face concealed. He is wearing Ambrose's clothing and he coughs every so often.

LE MORT: Dear friend, he hasn't caught onto us?

Le Mort's hand twitches as his hand clutches the inside of his jacket. Lilith doesn't notice and she is now inside the cell, yet she didn't open the door to enter.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: Yes, he hasn't. I would thank you for your aid with the knowledge thus far but...

LE MORT: But what?

QUIET MYSTIC: You're not Ambrose.

Le Mort stands up quickly and points the gun at Lilith. Lilith is unfazed.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: Look at you. Who knew the kid from all those years ago would still be playing with toys?

Le Mort tries to hit her with the back of the gun. Lilith catches his hand and spins him around.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: My, I didn't know you were quite the dancer, Theron.

LE MORT: I'm not.

Le Mort tries to punch her, but she grabs that hand places it onto her hip. She holds on tightly and guides him into a waltz, the hand with the gun is still held high above their heads. She pulls his body right up to hers and her iron grip causes him to take s sharp intake of breath.

LE MORT CONT'D: You may have powers, but it doesn't mean you don't have any weaknesses.

Her lips move closer to his ear.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: Because I have weaknesses doesn't mean you're stronger than me.

She spins him out, she holds the hand with the gun. He runs back to punch her, but she spins him around, so his back is to her and his arms are crossed as she holds onto them tightly.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: This is so charming. Unfortunately, you aren't my type.

LE MORT: What? I'm not an all-powerful demon?

QUIET MYSTIC: Hm, I think I would prefer you more if you had a makeover.

LE MORT: A makeover?

Quiet Mystic dips Le Mort suddenly and the gun scatters to the ground. Le Mort falls onto the ground.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: Yes. The kind that just makes your heart stop.

Le Mort swings his leg. Causing Lilith to trip and she stays on the ground. Le Mort slowly stands up and takes a knife from his pocket.

LE MORT CONT'D: I'm sorry it had to end this way.

Lilith suddenly spins around and shoots Le Mort square in the chest. Le Mort's eyes widen in shock and he collapses to the ground. Lilith stands and dusts her clothing.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: Well, I for one, am not sorry at all. If only you had listened to me all those years ago, things wouldn't have turned out this way.



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