Part 52

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BELINDA stands on the steps while NANCY, CONNER, GINA, and RANDI all stand on the ground level. Belinda waves around a pencil as a pointer and there is a handful of miscellaneous items in a pile on the ground.

BELINDA: So far, we have three shoelaces, a handful of goat feed, and a small stick! Who else would like to donate to the historical society?

NANCY: I got a leaf!

CONNER: Well, I got two leafs!

GINA: I've got another shoelace.

CONNER: Don't you need one for each shoe? How do you have four shoelaces on you?

GINA: I have my secrets.

RANDI: I am willing to give one million dollars!

BELINDA: You don't even have that money!

NANCY: Isn't the currency here capras too?

RANDI: Well, I don't see how leaves will help reopen the society.

CONNER: Trees are life! They give us oxygen.

They all bicker for a few moments. ERLE walks up to them and observes the scene for a few moments. Erle sighs and digs into his pocket and throws the wad of cash by Belinda's feet. Everyone stares at him in shock and Randi suddenly lunges for the money.

RANDI CONT'D: This money is mine and you can stop me!

CONNER: What? No! Share at least dude!

NANCY (eyes wide): How much money was that?

ERLE: Only a few hundred capras.

GINA: Only a few hundred?

BELINDA: Stop fighting! The money is for the historical society!

All of them bicker except Erle and he walks towards the doors. He peers into the windows to see inside the historical society. Heavy footsteps approach the door and Erle turns to see ROCH. Roch opens the door with ease and it shuts behind him. Erle walks up to the door and tries to open it, but it doesn't budge.

ERLE CONT'D: What the...



ROCH pauses walking for the moment to listen to the jostling of the door. The HISTORIAN approaches Roch and shakes his hand.

HISTORIAN CONT'D: Pleasure seeing you here.

ROCH: You too. Have those kids always bothered you like that?

HISTORIAN: They have for a few days.

ROCH: Not surprising. They found my new office and have been bothering me for days.

HISTORIAN: They're all miscreants, that bunch.

ROCH: Definitely the curious bunch.

HISTORIAN: Now, how may I be of service?

ROCH: I'm searching for some information. Particularly about the old abandoned church.

HISTORIAN: I'll direct you to the area you're looking for. But I won't help you after this.

ROCH: No worries, I think I can find my way through some books.

HISTORIAN: Very well. Follow me.

Roch and the historian walk into an aisle of bookshelves. Roch stares at the books in a mix of awe and dread. The historian stops in his tracks and points to a row of books.

HISTORIAN CONT'D: Here is the section pertaining to the subject. I'll leave you to your work.

ROCH: Thank you again.

The historian turns to leave but halts.

HISTORION CONT'D: Also. I would advise you not to attempt anything rash.

ROCH: Huh?

The historian walks away.

ROCH CONT'D (mutters to himself): Lilith came by here. So many things have run through here. The Curio Shop. The Church. The Catacombs. The Workshop. There's something bigger at play. People talk of these strange names I've never heard of. They have meaningless objects like they're something. Pointless rituals. But there's something else. Something bigger here. Lilith's note means something. She needs to gather people. Or someone does. People walking a path. It makes no sense. I want to stop this. And yet I can't fully understand it. I'll need to see it in action. Who leads these gatherings for the paths? Where will they be held? Who will attend?

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