Part 57

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QUIET MYSTIC stands in the forest with her eyes closed. She is still and quiet, waiting for something. A dark figure runs between the trees and Lilith still doesn't react. GOAT MAN looms over her and she opens her eyes.

QUIET MYSTIC: My lord, how are the preparations coming along?

GOAT MAN: You needn't worry. So, they finally opened the door in the church?

Quiet Mystic's lips curve upward.

QUIET MYSTIC CONT'D: Yes. They should be opening it right now.

GOAT MAN: You have been my most dedicated follower, yet you are the most likely to betray me. If I ever find out that you do betray me, your blessing will be revoked.

QUIET MYSTIC: Understood, my lord.

GOAT MAN: Prepare for the ritual. I will have no doubt that they will follow through with our plans.

QUIET MYSTIC: Of course, my lord.

Goat Man disappears into the forest and Quiet Mystic chuckles softly to herself.

QUIET MYSTIC: He may be powerful, but he isn't all knowing.



VANESSA, JORDANIA, and MIN all stand around the tomb and Min passes Vanessa the key. They're all nervous and jittery.

VANESSA CONT'D: You got the marks, right?

JORDANIA: Yeah, Min and I both are of the void. This is the last thing to open after all.

VANESSA: Belinda seemed really upset that the vote we did was useless.

JORDANIA: Eh, she'll get over it. She was happy to get the new mark.

VANESSA: I wonder why the buildings keep collapsing after we unlock them with the key.

MIN: No idea.

JORDANIA: We better speed this up. Le Mort said he was gonna tear down the catacombs.

VANESSA: I have the key ready, no worries.

MIN: Now, all we have to do is open it.

Vanessa nods and reaches to insert the key but pauses. The echo of foot steps can be heard from where the trio stood, and Vanessa looks behind her in panic. Jordania grabs Vanessa's arm.

JORDANIA CONT'D (whisper): Vanessa, insert it now!

Vanessa quickly unlocks the tomb and they open it to see nothing. Jordania checks the mark on her arm to see that it changed from a black swirl to an upside-down black triangle.

MIN CONT'D (whisper): We need to hide!

The three of them hide behind a large rock in the catacombs. THERON LE MORT enters the catacombs with a hard hat in his hand.

LE MORT: The thing I love the most about being mayor is delivering on your promises. Even when you don't promise them. You can always overshoot. Don't need any curious eyes trying to get ahead.

Le Mort looks in their direction. Vanessa covers her mouth with her hand while Jordania and Min hold hands tightly. Le Mort leaves the area and the trio runs away narrowly escaping the catacomb's collapse.

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