Part 22

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ROCH looks through cabinets in the tiny office frantically. He gives frustrated huffs while searching and slams the drawers when he's done looking through them. ERLE and DARCY watch the detective make a mess of the place in the safety of the foyer. Darcy is carrying a cage with a crow in it.

DARCY: This damn cage is so heavy.

ERLE: You alright with it?

DARCY: Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I'll just place it down here.

Darcy places down the cage and there's a sudden crash. The two boys look into Roch's direction to find him grumbling to himself even more angrily.

ROCH (mutters): Hmm they're not here. Must've dropped them elsewhere...

DARCY: Dude, he's really worked up about this.

ERLE: It must've been really important.

ROCH: Isabel, remind me to lock the door so those tattooed hooligans don't crash their way into here again!

DARCY: Um, rude.

ERLE: He doesn't seem to like talking to us much either it seems.

DARCY: That's a given, he would rather talk to his invisible girlfriend.

ERLE: I tried getting his attention a few times before but he wouldn't talk to me.

ROCH: Damn! Not here either. Where did I put them?

ERLE: Do you want help? We can try to search with you.

Roch waves a dismissive hand and Erle sighs.

ERLE: Alright. Have fun trying to find them.

DARCY: Should I tell the others about this?

ERLE: About what?

DARCY (whispers): The notes. Maybe we can find read them to see if there's anything important.

ERLE: Vanessa mentioned to trail this guy didn't she... yeah go notify them.

ROCH: It's not here either. I thought this was where I dropped it. I'll have to check the train station.

ERLE: Ah, make sure to mention the train station in the note too.

Darcy nods excitedly and he picks up the bird cage as he exits the station.

ROCH: Dammit Isabel! I think I dropped some of my notes. I'll go find them. Do a little patrolling while I'm out there.

Roch storms out of the station.



MIN, JORDANIA, and LUCY sit silently on the abandoned platform.

LUCY: So uh, where should we look?

MIN: We were told Roch was storming his way over here so we should be quick with this.

JORDANIA: Might as well start searching for them now.

The three of them look around the area, trying to find any sign of the lost notes. They search for a few minutes and are unable to find anything. Min looks under the platform and Jordania gives a small shriek.

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