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I looked over my shoulder and glared at Luther before turning back to Pogo. "Thank you Miss y/n, your father would be proud, even if you don't want him to be." Pogo smiled sadly before turning away.

Once I knew Pogo could no longer hear me. I turned to Luther. "You need to grow the fuck up Luther. Everyone is thinking it. And again, news flash no one gives a crap about your moon mission-"

"Come on." Five said, taking my hand and teleporting us away.


"Y/n go down stairs and wait for me there, I will be down soon." Five orders. I do as told and I couldn't be doing with any more arguing today.

I was on the stairs waiting for Five to finally come down when Diego came bursting through the front doors.

"Where have you been?"

"Jail." He said, running past me.

"What?" I yell, running after him. Five was also in the hallway with Klaus. "Long story. Where's Luther?"

"Haven't seen him since breakfast." Klaus answers.

"Y/n put him in his place." Five added before turning to me with a grin.

"Yeah, two days till the world ends, he picked a great girl to drop off the grid."

"Shit. Allison is in danger."


We drove to a bar Klaus lead us two. He was sat inside, in the corner. I had said it would be better if I stayed in the car for this one.


We had been driving for hours, i was sharing the passenger seat with Klaus, and when the car finally stopped. We were outside a wooden cabin, in the middle of no where.

The five of us burst into the house, to see Allison on the ground. Her throat slit and blood running down her neck.

Luther jumped down next to her and cried while holding her face. We all did the same. Grouping around her.

"Allison. Oh my god. Allison." Luther cried.

When I finally saw her full face. Her eyes hanging wide open. I gasped loudly and Five pulled me into his arms.

He half me tightly and I set my head on his shoulder and cried. and cried.

Diego offered to drive on the way home. Luther and Klaus in the back with Allison on their laps while Five held me in the front seat. I cried for a little more before slowly falling to sleep.

"Y/n." Five whispered into my ear, "we're home."

I wake up and get out the car as does everyone else. We rushed Allison inside.

"Come on, let's go!"

"I don't think she is breathing."

"If we don't get her upstairs she is going to die."

Grace began to help her as we all stood round the bed. Staring down at her.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood."

"I will." Everyone yelled.

"I'm doing it." Luther said.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy. Your blood is more compatible with mine."

"Hey, don't sweat it. I got this, big guy. I love needles." Klaus slapped his arm.

"Master Klaus. Your blood is...how shall I say this? Too polluted."

"Move." Diego orders.

"Yeah go on."

"I'll do it." Diego offered.

Grace held up the needle and as soon as Diego saw it he fainted, hitting the floor.

Five looked at me, we were the only two who could do it.

"You've lost enough blood." I say, turning thirty and holding out my arm. "I'll do it."

𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘Where stories live. Discover now