Truth or Dare

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Class dragged to an excruciatingly slow pace, which wasn't surprising because it was a Friday. Ms. Bustier passed out a worksheet with an apologetic smile in the last half hour of class. Nathaniel Luka and I finished first because we split the work between the three of us, so now we had fifteen minutes of free time before dismissal.

Nat was quick to pull out his sketchbook and start drawing. Luka leaned back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head, he turned his gaze to me. I looked into his eyes which made a distant smile cross his face.

"If you want to come over and hang out a bit, the band is gonna be there too."

"I'm down, I just have to stop home first."

"You can sleepover if you want to, Rose is already."

Juleka commented with a concentrated look, not looking up from her paper. I nodded and reached under the desk to pull out my skateboard, flipping it to the designed side. Luka looked at me and sneered at it, his face twisted in disgust before he turned it to the blonde sitting in the front of the class.

"You shouldn't have let Chloé treat you that way."

"You can say that again." Nat, similar to Juleka, didn't look up from his mission to finish his drawing before Ms. Bustier dismissed us but agreed nonetheless. My brows furrowed, and I turned to face Luka.

"Isn't this a little off-topic?"

"Why put up with her? What she did isn't okay, she should be punished for it."

I looked over at Chloé, who was sitting on her phone while Sabrina did her schoolwork. I bit the inside of my cheek trying to find a way to put it into words.

"I've learned that with people who need attention that badly it's usually because they're lacking it from the people they care about."

I looked back to the blue-haired boy. A knowing smile spread across his face, he ruffled my hair.

"Luka stop-"

I whined and swatted his hand away.

"Just checking that you're not becoming a pushover. You're still just a good person."

He chuckled deeply, before squealing when I pinched his side to get him to stop messing with my hair.

I repositioned the strap of my duffel bag, trying and failing to get it to sit comfortably on my shoulder. Juleka's boat was already in my sights, so I started to take out my AirPods. After school I grabbed some clothes and a toothbrush, quickly fed, and took Snickers for a walk. The ship was already bursting with noise, and the group would probably get the police called for disruption.

Kitty Section was playing the chorus by the time I reached the steps onto the boat deck. I waved at everyone as I stepped on cautiously. I was alone on the sidelines today because Marinette was busy with something happening at the bakery.
I plopped myself down on a beanbag and started recording them as they played just as they finished. Sending it to my group chat with Caleb, Jake, and Trevor. Most of them were in class right now, it was 10:41 in New York and Vermont. As for Trevor, he was in Bali for a band interview because homeschooling meant he could travel.

I looked up from my phone just as Rose ran up to me, hugging me tightly.

"We're gonna have so much fun Tonight!"

"For sure"

I stood up with her and she started pulling me toward the rooms inside.

"Come on, let's go to Jul's room to set everything up."

The Identity Problem •Luka x Reader x Adrien•Where stories live. Discover now