Lilies and Lilacs

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"Mari almost done?"

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, looking over my reflection in the mirror critically. Marinette was changing in the bathroom connected to the dressing room, I stayed with her because the majority of the cast was in the lobby seeing their family. Or rather she stayed with me because she had family to visit after she changed. No one came to watch me.

Even with the bitter thoughts, I couldn't help but feel overjoyed with the success of the play. I rubbed a bit at the bags under my eyes, pondering if going to a sleepover was a smart move considering how tired I already was.

"Yep, almost. Are we supposed to wear our cast shirts?"

I did a once over in the mirror of my sneakers, baggy sweats, and oversized sweatshirt.

"I'm not, I look like I'm ready to go to bed."

She giggled and opened the door to the bathroom in similar attire. Sweats and a pink long sleeve. She came up next to me and began tying her hair into her signature pigtails.

"You should wear your hair down more often, it's so pretty."


She trailed off, turning to me devilishly.

"But I think we took enough risks for one day."

I punched her shoulder lightly and bent to pack my things up. When I stood she linked arms with me, successfully starting to pull me from the room and out into the hallway. The backstage area was virtually empty, cast and crew alike all generating a loud buzz coming from the lobby.

Just as we made it to the theater and through the rows of seats. I spotted Mr. Laurent and Louis loitering outside the doors to the lobby. Whispering to one another with matching grins on their faces, Louis was holding his partner's hand, rubbing the top of it with his thumb. They turned to the two of us as we approached.

Mr. Laurent moved to meet us halfway, bounding over with Louis in tow.

"Have fun, I'm going to go ahead."

Mari squeezed my arm and walked around the two politely. Before she could be cornered like I was. Mr. Laurent swiped me up into a bear hug swinging me from side to side a bit.

"That was amazing- you did amazing! I'm so proud! So very proud!"

He squealed, I couldn't help but giggle at his antics. When he finally let me go Louis looked between the two of us fondly.

"Thanks, Mr. Laurent, the play couldn't have happened without the two of you."

"Enough of the Mr. Laurent, please. You've more than earned the right to call me Micheal."

"Okay, Mr. Micheal."

I couldn't help but laugh at his exasperated face, Louis rubbed his matching expression.

"You're giving me deja vu of when we first met."

"Feels like forever ago."

I nodded in agreement with the blonde, he pushed up the brim of his glasses, a nervous habit I'd picked up on.

"Speaking of, we wanted to invite you over to our house for dinner."

"Ya, I'm down, what day?"

"Christmas Eve."

Louis was as blunt as ever but that didn't stop my eyes from widening to the size of saucers.

"I can't- I wouldn't want to impose."

"If we didn't want you to come we wouldn't have invited you."

"Well ya but- Christmas is a family thing and I don't want to impede on that."

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