Crow's Nest

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A lesson Paris has taught me is that the pizza here is inedible compared to New Yorker pizza. I thought about the ooey gooey goodness of a New York slice while I bit into my lukewarm and thin piece. I barely ate the whole thing before I was done and couldn't eat the rest, slumping back against the beanbag on the deck.

Rose and Juleka were cuddled up on a beanbag eating pizza next to me and Ivan was passed out in a wicker chair with his legs sprawled out. Luka and I shared a beanbag quietly eating our disgustingly bland pizza.

"You ok? You look like you're about to gag."

"You guys gotta have the worst pizza on this planet."

He laughed, leaning down to put his half-eaten slice on his plate.

"Well, I think it's pretty good."

"You have nothing to compare it with so-"

"We're going to bed to see you guys in the morning."

Juleka and Rose both stood up, obviously too exhausted to deal with our bickering. Rose yawned and Jul put an arm around her leading her inside to her bedroom.

Luka nudged my thigh which was neatly tucked underneath me, chuckling.

"Guess our bickering drove them away."

I giggled into my hand, glancing over at Ivan who was snoring softly.

"Hey let me show you something."

I raised an eyebrow curiously as he rose from his spot on the beanbag and held a hand out to me. I took it and let him lead me to the mast at the front of the ship, he took ahold of the ladder and nodded up at the crow's nest at the top.

We climbed to the top and sat against the inside legs bent slightly to fit. There were already blankets and a pillow there so we got comfortable and looked up at the stars. The night was clear and the stars were burning bright in the fall sky.

"This reminds me of home."

"Do you have a crow's nest at home that you haven't told me about?"

He chuckled, and I lightly punched him on the shoulder.

"No, stargazing. Caleb and I would do this all the time on the fire escape of his family's apartment."

My eyes traced the lines of the big dipper, a smile spreading across my face.

"We would blast our music so loud sometimes, the neighbors would go down the first escape to complain. But we would hide inside before they would get down to us."

I frowned and leaned my head on Luka's shoulder.



"Tell me about your friends."

"Well, there's three of them Trevor, Caleb, and Jake. They're all like brothers to me, I couldn't imagine my life without them. We usually see each other on holidays and spend the entire summer together."

I could feel Luka's gaze on me and could see him out of the corner of my eye. The only thing I could think of was why stare at me when there are millions of stars in the sky above us. Of course, I didn't say this, simply continuing to talk about my friends.

"Caleb and I grew up in New York together, he probably knows me better than I know myself. We met Jake and Trevor later, Jake is the sweetest person you will ever meet. He lives in Vermont with his four younger siblings. Trevor is the laid-back one of the group he always knows what to say. He used to live in Pennsylvania but he moved to L.A. a year or so ago."

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