Chapter Twenty-Nine

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This is a record.

In all their lives, Zi Wei and her DiDi-ge, have never gone longer than a day in not speaking to each other after a fight.

Still, the circumstances were different this time and even though she cannot agree to what he wants, she decided to talk to him now for their parents – particularly their Mom.

Wang Yu Yan has become angry at the both of them, especially as DiDi has decided to stay in his own unit rather than go home to their house like he normally does.

"You and your Gege have to talk" the older woman calmly told her during dinner last night.

" Mom, I won't say sorry to him. I have nothing to apologize for" she answered, her chin going up in defiance.

"I said that you should talk. Whatever happens after you talk is up to you. But you should know that it is stupid for the both of you to continue acting like toddlers. I will not allow it and if the both of you do not start talking to each other again, I won't talk to you too. Even your Dad said he would do the same."

And that was final.

Zi Wei knows their mother's tone very well.

They know the Wang matriarch.

She sighed.

She also feels uncomfortable about her and her brother having this "cold war" between them. And there have been times she found herself messaging him or almost calling him just to share something to him randomly before she remembers that she is angry at him and hates him at the moment because of how he is bullying Shen Yue into stopping to write.

Zi Wei has read the first ten chapters and if only her brother could the same, he would have loved it.

The story has the right tone.

Yue even went as far as "humanizing" the character that represented her brother.

It is closer to the Gege she knows.

But with everything he is doing right now, he is closer to the villain in book one.

Zi Wei grunted in frustration as she parked her car and headed for the elevator.

She did not send a message to warn her brother about her arrival because he would definitely find a way to avoid her. She knows the man well enough to be sure of that.

DiDi hates having to fight with anyone he is close with. But to prove a point, he won't show himself to the other person without hesitation especially since he tends to resolve the conflict immediately when he and the person face each other.

He really is not the kind that could last long in a fight except against his competition in the business and with Feiyu (in particular).

And if he continues being a smart alec, he and Yue most assuredly will not become friends – which is a pity really because the other woman is amazing and beautiful and... possibly someone who can be a good match for her brother.

Zi Wei has seen their pictures in the Gala and they looked perfect.

She even noted that to Kido and her fiancé advised her to not mention a thing to her brother because the guy will see red if she dares hint at it. DiDi seems to have shown nothing but contempt for Yue during the encounters that his friends have witnessed so far, and whenever the author gets mentioned around him, his whole façade screams distaste.

Still, despite the stories she heard from the other boys about her brother's attitude towards the writer, she believes that it is a good thing that they met.

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