Chapter Forty

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"Of course you didn't tell her you liked her, right?", Yi Fan finished for him.

"It wouldn't have been right", DiDi defended, "And I don't want her to be overwhelmed. I know I need to start-over. Clean slate. I have to introduce her again to who I am... who I really am outside the bitter and angry guy she knew."

"So... woo her?", Kido asked.

"Yes!", he responded confidently.

"Question is... do you even remember how you should woo a girl??? I mean – when was the last time you even tried to do that?", Xi Ze entered his kitchen, juggling plates of ribs, and served it to them.

They all decided to meet up after work so DiDi can update everyone on how his conversation with Shen Yue went when he apologized.

They've been at it on WeChat but it's still different being able to talk about it live.

Xi Ze volunteered his house since he just went grocery shopping and he wanted to cook his specialty for everyone else.

"I think the last time I really wooed someone was back in college – with Zuer."

"I actually think he doesn't need to woo her in the "traditional" sense" Xi Zi piped up and then focused on his best friend "First, you actually already know one another well enough. Second, she's seen the worst of you. There is absolutely nothing you can hide from her, bro. Third, she forgave you, even if she's already seen how bad you are so wooing her in the way you wooed Zuer before might not be the way to go."

Everyone nodded except for DiDi.

"Of course, I thought of all of that but... we've just agreed to become friends. And that was hard enough as it is. What is more important for me right now is I don't want her to freak out if I suddenly start putting the moves on her."

"You have a very good point but be careful staying in the friend zone for very long", Xiao Tian was biting into his ribs with gusto, "If she considers you as "just" a friend then you are absolutely done for."

A cloud of gloom covered DiDI's face before he shook it away. "That can't happen."

He had never been in the friendzone and he had no plans of starting now. He's sure he wouldn't be able to take just "being friends" with her.

"That's right. I mean just look at Xi Zi. He can't make moves on his secretary because he has already been "boss-zoned". Zones are hard, man, and you need to stir clear from them", Xi Ze followed-up.

Xi Zi's hand landed on the other man's forehead faster than one could say "peanut butter". "I already told you I don't like my secretary."

"Xi Ze do you really want to be taken to the hospital?", Kido shook his head at their host, "And you're barking up the wrong tree. Xi Zi likes Xiao Wen."

Everyone except for Kido, who had dropped a figurative bomb, looked wide-eyed.

DiDi saw Xi Zi's hand about to land on him and he stood up to deflect it.

"Why are you gonna punch me?!?!?!?!", he asked his best friend.


"SO YOU REALLY LIKE XIAO WEN?!?!?!", Xiao Tian shouted the same time that DiDi answered.

"I didn't tell Kido anything!"

"It was Zi Wei who actually noticed it during the tree-planting event, man. Also... don't be an actor. You would be terrible. I was just trying to catch you and it seems Zi Wei IS actually right", the man who brought in a bomb of a revelation explained calmly, as though he had not just ruined the sacredness of Xi Zi's secret.

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