How You Meet

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Ashton: At a coffee shop. He is standing at the register next to yours and while you're waiting for your order, you notice him staring at you. When you make eye contact, smiles immediately appear on both of your faces and you shyly look down. After he grabs his coffee, he walks over to where you're sitting and introduces himself to you.

Michael: At a Blink-182 concert. He is standing in front of you and you are having a hard time seeing the stage so you gently tap on his shoulder and ask if you could trace places. He is at first mesmerized by your stunning eyes but then graciously lets you stand in the place where he was once standing seconds before, only if you went to dinner with him afterwards.

Calum: At a guitar shop. He is looking for new strings for his bass and you are looking for new picks for your guitar. You first thought he was an employee because he seemed to know where everything was so you asked him where the picks are located, and even though he said he did not work at the store, he gladly showed you where the picks were. 

Luke: At one of their concerts. You are standing in the second row and during their song "Want You Back" he locks eyes with yours. During a short transition break, he runs backstage to grab a small piece of paper and gives it to you. On the piece of paper it says "Meet me backstage". 

5 Seconds of Summer ImaginesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα