Cute Moments

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Ashton: You were scrolling through Twitter, reading the rumors that you and Ashton are no longer happy and broke up. It had been a while since you posted anything together, mainly because he was on tour and you could not visit him much because of your new job. Tonight was the last night of the band's tour and Ashton was coming to visit tomorrow the spend the weekend with you. You felt too insecure to say anything about the rumors, so you just let it be. When he got home, he took you out to a nice dinner to catch up and talk about the tour. He noticed you were a little off, and he knew you better than anyone else, and before you knew it, you were being dipped into a kiss in front of the entire restaurant, your lips melting together like the first time you had kissed. 

Michael: You had spent the night at Michael's house after being too anxious to drive home in the snowstorm from the night before. The two of you were laying in his bed, legs tangled together as he held you tightly. You were suddenly awakened by tiny little kisses being plotted on your face, and you began to giggle quietly. "Good morning, my love" you whispered as you began to kiss him back. A few seconds later, your phone rang. It was your mother. She was aware that you spent the night at Michael's but was just calling to check up on you. Before you could say anything, Michael took the phone from your hands and reassured your mother that he took the best care of her daughter, smiling as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "After all," he continued, "I love your daughter tremendously and would do anything to keep her safe". A large smile appeared on your face as you snuggled in closer to his chest. 

Calum: You and Calum were baking cookies for your Christmas party for work that was the next day. You were panicking over whether you were going to get them done on time or not, so you dragged Calum into your baking session, reassuring him that it was much better and more efficient with four hands in the kitchen instead of just two. Calum thought it was pretty funny how much you were overthinking something as small as baking cookies, so he decided to take your mind off of the stress and have a little fun. He began poking your sides as you were stirring all the ingredients in a big bowl. "Calum", you warned, "don't you dare". Calum smirked at you. "What are you talking about babe?" He teased. "I'm not doing anything." He poked your side again and you flinched. Soon enough his large hands were wrapped around your sides, tickling the stress out of your body. 

Luke: Tonight was the first night of the boys' new tour, and you had come to the show to support them. You had the privilege of watching the show backstage since you did not want to be trampled by fans in the front row. The boys were about halfway through their show when Luke pulled out his acoustic guitar. He was silent for a moment, and then he began to speak into the microphone. "This next song is dedicated to someone very important. We've never played it before, so bear with us" he joked. He turned his head back to face you, your eyes locking. He winks before turning back around to start the song. "This song is dedicated to my wonderful girlfriend Y/N. I love you, babe."

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