He Does Your Makeup

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Ashton: You were running late for work today but you still had to do your makeup. You weren't sure if you were able to put on mascara, blush, concealer, eyeliner, and lip gloss all at once. Ashton watches you panic and after a few minutes, he asks if he could put the concealer on your face while you take care of the rest of the makeup process. You hesitated for a moment but after a few seconds handed him the small bottle of liquid. You ended up being quite impressed with how accurate he was with your makeup.

Michael: You were trying to think of new ideas for videos to post on your YouTube channel. You were just about to hit one million subscribers and you wanted to post a really good video to boost your views. "Have you ever done a makeup challenge?" Michael asked you. You looked at him with your eyebrows raised and asked him if he would be willing to do my makeup for me. He took a few seconds to think about it but he expressed his concern because he did not want to do something wrong and hurt you. You told him that you'll guide him through the process and just to be gentle with applying the makeup. It took him a while to film but luckily your battery didn't run out and you were able to edit and post within the same day. 

Calum: You were in a deep sleep because you were up late the night before studying for a huge exam you have on Monday. Calum knew you were stressed and thought you might need a little cheering up. He eyed your makeup and a smirk appeared on his face. You were a strong sleeper so it took you a lot to wake up. He used very gentle touches to apply a full face of makeup, and he was surprised that you stayed still for almost an hour. When you finally woke up, you turned over to see Calum watching you and you became suspicious and confused. You sat up and looked across the room to see your reflection in the mirror. "Shoot did I not take off my makeup last night?" You expressed your concern out loud because you tend to break out when you forget to take off your makeup. After a few second Calum confessed that he did it a few minutes ago, and you laughed out loud.

Luke: You were trying to figure out what to do all day. It was raining cats and dogs outside so you were stuck inside. You were applying your makeup and Luke asked you why you were doing that even though you guys weren't going anywhere. "Sometimes I just like to experiment with my makeup, try different combinations and colors" you replied to him. He asked you if he could try putting on some of your makeup. He did not have any sisters he could try on and he wanted to learn in case of an emergency. It took you a while but he figured it all out, and sooner or later you both realized how late it got and that it was time for Luke to go home. 

5 Seconds of Summer ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang