He Paints Your Nails

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Ashton: You were up early getting ready for your next photoshoot and you completely forgot that you had to have a fresh set of nails before you went into the studio. You were trying to be as quiet as possible to try to not wake Ashton up but you had to turn on your vanity light to paint your nails. You tried to rush to get them done. You heard Ashton shuffle around in your bed but he kept hearing you curse under your breath so he asked what was wrong. You told him to go back to bed but he was concerned because he knew you had a photoshoot today and he knew how seriously you took your job. He offered to paint your other hand of nails but you were reluctant because you needed it to be neat. But after a few moments of thinking and looking at the clock and realizing you only had twenty minutes before you had to be out the door, you agreed. He walked over and knelt beside your chair, grabbed the bottle of nail polish and began to paint the nails on your left hand while you applied your makeup with your right hand. 

Michael: The two of you had a very romantic night planned for your one year anniversary. Michael made reservations to a nice restaurant close and he told you to get dressed up. You looked at the clock and noticed that your reservations were in less than an hour and Michael still had not arrived yet, so you started to paint your nails while you waited for him. Once you finished your nails on your right hand, you heard a knock on the door and told Michael to come in. He apologized for being late and encouraged you to hurry up with your nails so you two could leave. You had forgotten what time it was and you still had not finished your mascara so you told him to wait a few minutes while you finished getting ready. Instead, he took the bottle of nail polish out of your hand and told you to finish your makeup while he painted the nails on your left hand. Even though it was done very messily, he still got it done by the time you finished your makeup. "No one will be looking at your nails anyway" he informed you as he handed you your purse, the both of you laughing as you walked out the door.

Calum: You walked into Calum's house with a new set of freshly painted fingernails and you were excited to show them off. The first thing you did was shove your hand in his face and asked him if he liked the new design. He laughed at how enthusiastic you were and told them that he loved your new nails. He asked you if you did them yourself and you laughed at his response, quickly denying the idea of you ever painting your nails by yourself. Calum asked if your toenails were painted and you said no because it is the middle of winter and you were not going to pay extra for a job that no one was going to see because they were covered up by your boots. He hesitated at first but then he asked you if he could paint your toenails. He explained that he still had some paint leftover from when he last painted his fingernails and he got a lot of experience from when he used to watch his older sister paint her nails. You raised an eyebrow at his request but as long as he didn't charge you for it, then you agreed to him painting your toenails, and you were actually impressed with how neat he was. 

Luke: You stared at your chipped nails and realized that you should probably repaint them again. Luke was laying beside you so you asked him what color you should paint your nails next. Then an idea popped into his head. "Why don't I paint your nails?" he asked you. "You didn't answer my question" you laughed back at him. "And why would you want to paint my nails anyway? You know how much of a perfectionist I am, I need my nails to be perfect when I paint them." He looked at you confused. "You do realize that I paint my nails very often right?" and followed by showing you his freshly painted set of nails, stating that he paints them himself.  His statement shocked you because you had always thought someone did his nails for him. "Yeah sure if you're confident you're not going to mess up," you said to him after a few moments. He promised you that he would take him time, after all, you two had the majority of the day to just lay around and do nothing. 

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