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Ashton: It was a rainy day and you and Ashton did not really have any plans but to sit on the couch, watch Brooklyn 99, and eat a whole lot of snacks. You were excited to see him because his tour had just ended and you were craving some physical affection (the cute kind of course). You jumped into his arms the moment he walked into your apartment and he carried you over to the couch, gently put you down, and laid on top of you, making sure that he was not hurting you. Your hands immediately went to his hair, giving him one of your famous head massages and he let out a sigh of pleasure. He wrapped his arms around your body and nuzzled his face into your neck, his breath lightly tickling your skin. Before you knew it, the two of you had fallen asleep in each other's arms before the first episode even ended. 

Michael: You had a rough week at college and you were overwhelmed with how much work you needed to complete before the weekend was over. But that was not stopping Michael from coming over and relieving you from your stress. Even though you told Michael that you could not spend much time with him today, he did not listen to you. He insisted that you need a break from how hard you have worked this week. It took you quite a while to agree with him, but soon you were in his arms on your bed with tears streaming down his face. You were on top of him and his arms were wrapped around your body and giving you back scratches while wiping away the tears that were still falling from your eyes. Your head lay on his chest and you could hear his heartbeat, which surprisingly had started to calm you down. "It beats for you, you know" Michael whispered and kissed the top of your head. 

Calum: "You wanna repeat that again?" Calum teased, holding both of your wrists above your head. A few minutes earlier, you had told Calum that you were better at Fifa than he was, and that started a tickle fight between the two of you. Unfortunately because of his strength, he was winning, but you would not give up. "Repeat what?" you tested. "The fact that I am way better at Fifa than you are? Why would I tell a lie?" You yelled through your laughter. "That's it," Calum said. "You're in for it". He knew that your ribs were your most sensitive spot, so that's where he placed his fingers. He wiggled his fingers back and forth against your skin and the sound of your laughter increased. "OKAY OKAY," you shouted and he momentarily stopped tickling you. "You are better at Fifa than me" you admitted, and Calum laughed as he sat back. "That's what I like to hear" and he laid down on the bed, motioning you to come and join him. You curled into his side, exhausted from all the laughter that was forced out of your body. You rested a hand on his chest and the other hand underneath his shoulder, just the way he likes it. His arm cradled your back and his other hand rested on top of your hand that was placed on his chest. 

Luke: "Hey babe" you called from the living room. "Yes, love?" Luke answered back from the kitchen. "When you get a minute, can you just come and cuddle me?" Cuddling was a big part of your relationship, so when either of you asked for cuddles out of the blue, neither of you questioned it. "Anything for my baby" Luke said as he made his way over to you. He climbed over you and placed himself behind your body, wrapping his arm around your waist to spoon you. He began to place kisses on the back of your head, making his way to your ear and down to your chin. His thumb caressed your hand as his nose nuzzled into your hair. "I love you," Luke whispered in your ear. "I love you too babe, so much" you replied back to him, and you felt yourself slowly fall asleep in his arms.  

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