He Surprises You At School

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Ashton: You were sitting in your room getting ready for your spring dance with your friends. You were a little disappointed that Ashton couldn't come considering that he was still on tour and the majority of your friends had dates to the dance. You were putting on your makeup at your vanity while your friends talked about what kind of food they thought was going to be available. You were putting the finishing touches on your eye shadow when you heard a knock at the door. All of your friends were in the room and the dance didn't start for an hour, so you knew it wasn't any of the boys who were bringing your friends as their dates. You shook it off as you continued to touch up your makeup while one of your friends answered the door. You could see his reflection through your vanity mirror, it was Ashton. You whipped around with tears in your eyes and jumped into his arms, not really caring at this point if your makeup got ruined.  

Michael: You had a hard week at clinical and throughout the week, all you would do is complain to Michael about how hard your major is and that sometimes you wished you could drop out. You felt bad that you were complaining so much but you had no one else to talk to besides the people in your cohort. Michael could tell that you were upset and stressed but because he was on tour, all he could do was calm you down over the phone. You had finally reached the weekend but you were still swamped with work, and you honestly did not know how you would complete it all before the weekend ended without having a mental breakdown. You were starting on your third and final lab when you received a Snapchat from Michael. When you opened it, the background looked incredibly familiar and his caption read "How do you even get into this building?" Then it hit you. He was standing outside your hall. You jumped off your bed and ran downstairs to answer the door and sure enough, there was Michael with a bouquet of flowers and a box of pizza. 

Calum: Once a year your school puts on a surprise performance for students. You have gone the past few years but it ended up being artists that were not too popular and did not catch your interest, and to be honest you did not really want to go this year. But your friends had done enough convincing to the point where it was getting really annoying so you finally purchased a ticket for the concert. Your school does a pretty good job of keeping the surprise act a secret because you never knew who the artist would be until they came onstage. Your friends made sure you got to the entrance line an hour before the doors opened so that you could be front and center in the audience. You didn't know what the point of that was since it would probably be an unknown artist again anyway, and you did not feel like standing for an hour waiting for the concert to start. But once the band got onstage all your negativity was thrown out of your mind, because 5 Seconds of Summer was your special guest of the year. You looked at your friends to see if they knew about what was going on and they said that the guys had texted them when they first found out and wanted to surprise you, especially Calum. 

Luke: It was a "family weekend" at your school and you were looking forward to seeing your family. You had not seen them in a while because your college is far from home and there were not enough breaks throughout the school year. You spent the morning cleaning up your bedroom and preparing for your guests, and it was even better your roommate was not there because there was more space for your family to sit in your small room. You received a text from your family saying that they were five minutes away so you put on your jacket and waited for them outside to arrive. You saw your family's car pull up and you waved, signaling where to park. You walked over to their car embracing them in your arms when another unexpected figure stepped out of your car, and you realized that it was Luke. You jumped into his arms and he spun you around, so excited to see you because he has been on tour for the past five months. "What are you doing here?" you asked him, still in a state of shock. "What, am I not family to you?" He joked and embraced you in his arms again. 

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