Voicemail You Keep

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Ashton: "Hey baby, it's me, Ash. I just got off the plane and headed to our first venue now. I miss you so much and couldn't stop thinking about you during our plane ride, despite how much I tried sleeping it off. I hope you get this message soon because I am just dying to hear your voice again. I won't be able to talk for a while because of warm-ups and soundcheck, but I promise I'll call you once our energy has died down from the show. I love you, babe." 

Michael: "Y/N pick up the damn phone I'm so hungry! There is no food in our house and I miss you but I kind of miss food more, sorry not sorry haha. Please pick up so I have an excuse to go out and spoil you with food. Call me back as soon as you get this or else." 

Calum: "Hey babe I know it's like 2:00 am where you are but it's mid-day where I am and I'm just calling to say that I miss you and that I can't stop thinking about you. Hopefully, you'll get this voicemail right when you wake up so you can start the day off right. I can't wait to see you next week so I can hug and kiss you all I want. I love you so much, darling. Talk to you soon." 

Luke: "You're my honeybunch, sugar plum. Pumpy-umpy-umpkin. You're my sweetie pie. You're my cuppy cake, gumdrop. Snookums-boogums, you're the apple of my eye. And I love you so and I want you to know that I'll always be right here. And I love to sing sweet songs to you because you are so dear. Hey, babe just calling to let you know that some fans dared me to call you and sing this song so here we go. I'm actually kind of embarrassed that I know all the words but what the hell haha. I love you, bye." 

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