Fourth of July

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Ashton: It was the Fourth of July and during the past few years that you and Ashton have been dating, you always made it a tradition to buy tickets for the fireworks show at Longwood Gardens close to your home. It was one of your favorite things to do during the summer. The first year you were with Ashton, you raved about this display, begging him to join you even though the two of you were not together for very long. When you took Ashton to see the fireworks show, he was so amazed by the colorful lights, but also shocked at how nothing caught on fire. Ever since that year, the two of you bought tickets for the event far in advance, and you spent the entire day walking around the beautiful garden before the fireworks show began at 7:00 that night. 

Michael: For the Fourth of July, you and Michael spent your time at your annual family barbecue.  The moment the two of you got out of your car, you could smell the wonderful scent of burgers and hot dogs on the grill. Your family welcomed you and Michael with open arms and the conversations started flowing. Michael was excited to see your family again. He always talks about how they are so welcoming and kind even though the two of you have only been dating for a year. Your little cousins adored Michael too. They wanted to play with him during the whole party, and Michael was totally okay with it. You found it so sweet the way he took care of your cousins, making it hopeful that one day the two of you will have children of your own. Before you knew it, it was time to eat, and soon enough, Michael was stuffing his face with all of your family favorites. 

Calum: You and Calum were invited to a Fourth of July party with some of your friends. This event has been planned for a while, and the two of you were excited to attend. You were fashionably late because you never liked being the first ones at a party. You and Calum have been so busy with your jobs that the two of you do not have many chances to socialize, so this was the first time that Calum was meeting some of your friends. Even though he was nervous at first, once he got acquainted with them, he felt at peace. Your friends ordered a bunch of food for all of the guests, and there was plenty to go around. There were a lot of people at the party, so Calum made sure he stayed close to your side because he knew how nervous you get being around a lot of people. When it was time to watch the fireworks, you and Calum laid your blanket in a not-so-crowded area so the two of you could breathe after a long day of socializing. The fireworks lasted for quite a while, and before you knew it, your head was resting on Calum's shoulder and your eyes began to close. 

Luke: "What did your parents say to get again?" Luke asked as you walked down the aisles of Walmart. You held up the list and kept strolling. "Hot dog buns, plastic plates, colored napkins, and sparklers," you said without even looking at the piece of paper. "Do you know where all of those items are located? Your mom said she wanted us back before guests started arriving." Luke asked as he frantically looked down each aisle. You reminded Luke that the party did not start for a couple of hours, and you grew up going to this Walmart so you could navigate the store with your eyes closed. You were a little worried about finding some items though because everyone in Walmart was probably looking for the same items. "If we can't find some of these things on the list, there are other places in the area we can look," you said. Luke unexpectedly grabbed your hand and turned you around. He placed his hand on your back as he pulled you closer to him. "You know", he said with a smile on his face, "If we do in fact have a few hours, maybe we could spend some time lingering around and have some fun." Luke wiggled his eyebrows. You looked around to make sure no one was in the aisle, leaned in to kiss him, but backed off at the last minute. "Maybe later," you winked. "We have to find these items," and with that, you skipped off. 

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