You Get Hate

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Ashton: You were up all night crying from the amount of hate you were getting on Twitter. You and Ashton had just announced your relationship and now you were getting endless messages on social media. You received multiple calls from Ashton because he had also seen the hate you were receiving but you were not answering because you were afraid you would break down again over the phone. You were not expecting him to come over but soon enough you heard your front door open and moments later he appeared in your room, immediately cuddling you in your depressed state. 

Michael: Your hair is naturally brunette but lately you've been feeling risky so you decided to put blonde highlights in your hair. Once you were feeling confident enough, you posted a selfie on Instagram. You quickly got a lot of comments and messages about how bad your hair looked, how you could never pull off that decision, and how ugly you now looked and that Michael should break up with you. You could not take your eyes off the hateful comments and soon enough you were in a pile of tears on your couch, regretting your risky decision. 

Calum: "Y/N whatever you do, do not look at Twitter" Calum warned you. Obviously, with that comment, you wanted to look so bad to see what he was talking about so once he left the room you unlocked your phone and went on Twitter to see what all the fuss was about. People were reposting what looked to be pictures that paparazzi got of you and Calum kissing when the two of you took a walk in the park yesterday. People were talking about how disgusting your PDA was and how you don't even look that good and maybe you should lose a couple of pounds. You did not have time to wipe away your tears before Calum walked back in the room so when he saw you, he immediately felt horrible and wrapped you in his arms. 

Luke: You and Luke had recently celebrated your one year anniversary and you were excited to share about it on social media. You took a few days off social media just to enjoy time alone with your boyfriend, but going back on it seemed to be a big mistake. As soon as you logged back onto Twitter and Instagram, you started seeing posts about how surprising it was that Luke stayed with you for this long and how maybe he should find someone else to love at this point. Luke was sitting right next to you when you started reading this so he was shocked when you immediately broke down in tears. He took your phone and started reading everything you previously read and felt so bad about what these people were saying. He slid your phone in his pocket and carried you to your bed, comforting you as he laid down with you. 

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