Valentine's Day

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Ashton: You were the type of person to plan summer vacations in the middle of December so when Valentine's Day rolled around, you had everything planned to a tee. You lived close to Hershey Park and one of your favorite foods was chocolate so your day was planned around spending the afternoon and evening in the park with Ashton. You bought day passes months in advance and scheduled pretty much every minute of the whole day, so there was not much wiggle room for impromptu adventures. Ashton loved this about you; how you could focus so much on one thing and not let anything get in your way. In his case, it was better for him not to do any planning because he knew you could take care of it! Ashton picked you up at your house early in the morning to make way for traffic and the two of you spent the day riding the best rollercoasters, eating the tastiest candy, and enjoying every minute of it because the two of you were head over heels for each other.

Michael: You and Michael had planned a romantic night out for Valentine's Day. He wanted to take you to the fanciest restaurant in Los Angeles and only focus on you for the night. He made reservations for 6:00 and when he picked you up at your house, his jaw dropped when he saw how gorgeous you looked in the new red dress that you bought specifically for tonight. You got in his car and he was still frozen, looking at you with the most loving gaze in his eyes. "Are you okay love?" you ask him as you buckle your seatbelt. "You know you look absolutely stunning right?" he said admiringly. You blushed and brushed a part of your hair to the side. The two of you listen to some romantic music and you drove to the restaurant. When you got there, he parked the car and held your hand as the two of you walked in, holding the door open for you as you walked into the restaurant. You and Michael enjoyed a wonderful dinner and you were already looking forward to the next Valentine's Day with him.

Calum: Valentine's Day was supposed to be a romantic day for you and Calum, but instead, you lay in bed with a cold, your body aching whenever you moved. You were so disappointed that you were not able to go out with Calum and have a nice day, but that did not stop him from coming over to take care of you. He brought you your favorite chocolates and the two of you ordered take-out and watched movies on Netflix all day. The two of you cuddled in your bed and nodded off to sleep, no longer worrying about how sick you felt. All that mattered was the Calum risked his health to spend time with you and to make you feel better on the most romantic holiday of the year, and even though you did not feel romantic, the love he showed you that day made all worth it. 

Luke: The boys were on tour during Valentine's Day so you and Luke were unfortunately not able to spend it together, but that did not stop him from trying to contact you to spend time with you after the show that night. Luckily with the time difference, you were just starting to make dinner by the time he FaceTimed you, so the two of you talked about how your day was, he talked about how the tour was going, and the two of you ate together as if you were already in each other's company. You appreciated the time that Luke took out of his day, and especially his rest to talk to you and to make your day, but he certainly did not mind at all because he was madly in love with you. "I cannot wait to see you soon my love" Luke sighed. He had been gone for almost six months and he missed his cuddles and quality time together. "We will be together again before you know it" you reassured him. He was on the second half of the tour so you knew he'd be home in a couple of months and then you could spend days on end together. 

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